Climate Change
Climate Change 19th Annual Community Multifaith Summit
Climate Change: Extinction Level Threat & Hopeful Solutions Faith ~ Science ~ Sacred Activism
Sunday October 31, 2021 2:00 - 4:30pm (Pacific time) Zoom Venue Is this any way to treat your mother? ~ Rabbi Anson Laytner
FAITH PANEL includes presentations by Spiritual Leaders from diverse traditions, including: First Peoples Ken Workman (Duwamish); Buddhist (Zen) Rev. SeiFu Anil Singh-Molares; Jewish Deirdre Gabbay (Shmita Project NW); Christian Anna Johnson (Maryknoll); Moderator - Imam Jamal Rahman.
The wisdom of all world religions reminds us that we are one. Our multifaith panel will share the moral and ethical imperatives in their faiths that call for action to address the climate crisis and promote environmental justice. Their offerings will inspire us and revitalize our commitment to carry on our work.
ACTION PANEL includes presentations by Community Activists from the following Climate Care Initiatives: Creation Care Network (Kathy Delbecq); Environmental Justice (Russell Beard); Advocacy (Jessica Zimmerle); How to Be An Activist (Libby Carr); Carbon Footprint Tracker (Marjorie Ringness).
Our collective call for urgent, bold and ambitious climate action is essential. Science has provided practical solutions for us to begin the transition to a clean, just and renewable future. Our panel of climate activists will share tools and resources that will equip us to effectively implement these hopeful solutions.
Our collective call for urgent, bold and ambitious climate action is essential. Science has provided practical solutions for us to begin the transition to a clean, just and renewable future. Our purpose of gath-ering with you, faith leaders, and climate experts today is to inspire and activate implementation of these hopeful solutions.
BREAKOUT ROOMS TO CATALYZE ACTION: You will be invited to join the Action Panel Breakout Room of your choice. Your time spent in dialogue with others who share your interest will create the opportunity to explore new possibilities for meaningful action. It will also provide the chance to renew your individual and collective commitments on how to tackle the climate crisis.
CO-SPONSORS: Northwest Interfaith; Interfaith Community Sanctuary; Duwamish Tribe; Earth Ministry; Congregation Beth Shalom; Maryknoll; Creation Care Network; Saint Marks Episcopal Cathedral; Spiritual Directors International; Meaningful Movies; Call of Compassion NW.
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles Online Access Information This event will be produced via Zoom and the Zoom link will be sent to all registered attendees the morning of the event (i.e. October 31st). Therefore, you must register no later than October 30th! Make sure the email address you provide is correct!