Redmond Drama Presents: Alice in Wonderland
Based on Lewis Carroll's original story, a little girl named Alice chases a white rabbit down a hole that leads her to the whimsical and wacky Wonderland, where oddness and nonsense reign supreme. In search of a beautiful garden, Alice grows, shrinks, and encounters a variety of colorful characters who test her patience and show her the way. Alice falls in love with the dreamlike Wonderland, but upon returning home her sister Lorna wishes she would mature and face the real world. As Alice grows up, she leaves Wonderland and the little girl she once was behind. Can another trip through the looking glass help Alice rediscover herself, or is she destined to be the perfect young lady her family wishes her to be? A peculiar coming-of-age tale full of madness and whimsy that is simply wonderful.
Seating is assigned, please purchase tickets in "family groups" in order to ensure you are seated together. If you are purchasing tickets for a second "family group" please complete your first order for one and a separate order for the second group.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Danika Drake at dadrake@lwsd.org
LocationRedmond Performing Arts Center (View)
17272 NE 104th Street
Redmond, WA 98052
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |