Rising Sideways: A Circus Show at the Dawn of a New Era (Online Edition)
Presented by:
Acrobatic Conundrum
In a world turned upside-down, Acrobatic Conundrum proposes a theatrical rite to embrace the inversion of our time. Ascending in spirals, somersaulting through the air, and alighting with ease, a circus company embodies how we can be disoriented and poised at once. With all the passion and purpose that only eighteen months of solitudinous circus training can evoke, the performers of Acrobatic Conundrum are ready to channel the dancing, flipping sublime once again. This evening length show is a one-of-a-kind, not to be missed smorgasbord of aerial dance, hand- to- hand pas de deux, tumbling and clownery, always delivered in inimitable, authentic style. Celebrate our collective wishes for the way ahead, even as we grieve our lost time. Cherish the extraordinary present like never before. Come rise to the curious occasion in Rising Sideways.
Featuring: Jordie Campbell, Terry Crane, Emma Curtiss, Nick Harden, Julaine Hall, Jacki Ward Kehrwald, Katie Lynch, Rose Levit, Eric McKeethan, Jill Marissa, Mari Sharpe, Hanae Sambe, and Rachel Nehmer
Rising Sideways is made possible in part by the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture, co-produced by SANCA and The Circus Project.
LocationDelivered live via YouTube
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