Stacey Karen Robinson: Quiet Frenzy
Quiet Frenzy is a solo show about the explosion, dispersion and reintegration of a life devastated by loss. Still reeling from the sudden death of her twin sister, LaShonda wanders into a crack of time where strangers, spirits, memory and magic collide. She descends into her depths and out of her boundaries. She rises from trauma and recollects her Self.
Stacey Karen Robinson is an actress and playwright. The Bronx Council on the Arts awarded her a 2009 BRIO Award in Playwriting for the solo show, Quiet Frenzy. She performed the work at Northwestern University as part of the Solo/Black/Woman Series presented by the Department of Performance Studies and at Pillsbury House Theatre as part of Non English Speaking Spoken Here: The Late Nite Series curated by Laurie Carlos and E.G. Bailey. Workshop productions of the play occurred in NY at the Wild Project and the Longwood Art Gallery at Hostos Community College. Quiet Frenzy will be published in the upcoming book, Solo/Black/Woman (Northwestern University Press). Other plays include Wounded Heart,Deja and the January River, which received a workshop production at Rites and Reason Theatre of Brown University and Being in the Black, which was published in Find Your Voice: A Methodology for Enhancing Literacy Through Re-Writing and Re-Acting (Heinemann Drama 2004). As an actress, she has performed with TheatreSquared, at P.S. 122 (Red Frogs), Perseverance Theatre (In The Blood), ZACH Theatre (Bee-Luther-Hatchee & The America Play), Hyde Park Theatre (blood pudding & Unmerciful Good Fortune) and The Perishable Theatre's Shows for Young Audiences. She has also appeared in numerous NY staged readings and workshops, including performances with Rising Circle, New Georges, the Classical Theatre of Harlem, at HERE, New Dramatists, INTAR, the Public Theater, the Women's Project and the Lark. She studied in the Actor Training Program of the Juilliard School and received a BA from Brown University in Afro-American Studies.
LocationJACK (View)
505 1/2 Waverly Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11238
United States