Ask a Master Gardener LIVE! August 2021
Do you have questions about gardening? Are you seeing problems with your plants and don't know what to do? Or not sure what soil, water, or fertilizing a particular plant needs?
Whether you're new to gardening or a seasoned gardener, we invite you to bring your questions to Ask a Master Gardener! Q&A LIVE! and discuss your issue "face to face" with your neighborhood, friendly UC Master Gardeners of Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties! Listen in while others ask questions, ask your won, and learn how the UC Master Gardeners use UC scientific research, gardening expertise and the internet to provide workable and proven solutions for gardening problems.
Please submit your questions, with photos if possible, in advance of the meeting by submitting a ticket on the UC Master Gardener Hotline. Priority will be given to questions submitted at two days in advance of the meeting.
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