Getsome Athletics Provide IN GAME TRAINING
This new and unique roller derby training camp is set up to help teams learn more about how to work together and what pieces of strategy they are missing that will take them to the next step.
This exciting two day event will feature three 30min scrimmages for every team as well as one full length game. Each of the scrimmages will have a guest coach, Shorty Ounce or Carmen Getsome, on your bench providing you with in game and post jam feedback.
The full length game will be run by your normal training staff with Shorty Ounce and Carmen Getsome taking notes. These games will be recorded to use for video review on Sunday.
Sunday morning will have a 2 hour video (of the previous nights games) review session with notes, feedback and recommendations done by Carmen Getsome and Shorty Ounce.
Following the video review will be an optional 4 hour on skates skills and strategy training session that will provide drills to improve areas directly correlated with the video review session. This training session is open to everyone but those that participate in the scrimmage and games will get the training session for 50% off.
full weekend - $105/skater (USD) includes: - three 30 min scrimmages with in game feedback - 1 full length game - 2 hour video review session (of full length game) - 4 hour training session
games and review only - $80/skater (USD) includes: - three 30 min scrimmages with in game feedback - 1 full length game - 2 hour video review session (of full length game)
Sunday 4 Hour Training Only $50 includes: -Sunday training session from 12-4pm -drills and strategies will be specific to the needs of the game the previous night (likely will be teamwork and upper level strategy based)
If your team is signing up for the games portions your team MUST have a minimum of 10 members sign up (includes $80 and $100 price)
To sign your team up please email getsomeathletics@gmail.com to get a team specific code to unlock the pricing options for your team.
Ref Training:
Eric Rawk, level 5 WFTDA certified Ref, will be providing guidance and feedback to the refs throughout all the scrimmages sat.
On sunday the refs will get feedback during the video review followed by focused training based on the ref performance the day before.
LocationThe Hassen Memorial Arena (View)
3315 Pleasant Valley Rd.
Armstrong, BC V0E1B0