Mid-MO Expo: Small Farms to Backyard Gardens
UPDATE: Registration is open until 1 hour before each Saturday session, when it closes temporarily. You only need register once. If you miss a session, such the February 27 program on the Big Bur Oak, you'll receive a link afterwards to view the recorded program.
Are you interested in nature, natural resources, gardening, or just the great outdoors? The annual Mid-MO Expo provides short workshops on issues of local interest, presented by experts in the field. The event is organized by the Boone County Extension Council.
This year the Mid-MO Expo will be offered online, on three Saturday mornings. The low $6.00 fee is for all three programs. As you near the end of the registration process you'll see a Zoom link for all sessions. Not able to make one of the Saturdays? Contact us and we'll arrange for you to view/listen afterwards.
There will be DOOR PRIZES at each session, contact us to donate! BooneCo@missouri.edu
Saturday February 27: The McBaine Bur Oak NOTE: This program will delivered live from the tree site, weather permitting. Explore the history and future of this Missouri champion tree, the largest bur oak in Missouri. Learn about the effects of the most recent lightning strike, the health and care of the tree, and the next steps in ensuring its survival as a cherished Boone County landmark. Presenters will include John Sam Williamson, sixth generation property owner; Bill Spradley, Arborist; Dr. Christopher Starbuck, MU Associate Professor Emeritus in Horticulture; Chuck Doss, Battalion Chief, Boone County Fire Protection District; and others. Saturday March 6: Invasive Plant Identification and Removal Invasive plants can be frustrating, stealing sunlight, water and nutrients from your garden and landscaping. Some can even release harmful chemicals. In this program you will learn how to identify some common invasive plants found locally in and around our woodlands and fields in central Missouri, and best practices for removal and control. Presented by Roxie Campbell, Park Naturalist, Rock Bridge Memorial State Park Saturday March 13: Dealing with Nuisance Wildlife Whether you live the city, suburbs, or countryside, people and wildlife share Missouri. But animals and humans come into conflict when critters damage our plants and property, or even take up residence in our homes. Learn about identifying common nuisance wildlife and strategies to discourage their visits from experienced Wildlife Damage Biologist, Daryl Damron, Missouri Department of Conservation.
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