Morrigan's Call Retreat 2021
Join us for the annual Morrigans Call Retreat for a weekend of workshops, ritual and kinship in honor of the Morrigan. Du to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic we will host our 2021 even online once again. The event will be a total of four day, over the course of two weekends.
This years theme will be: Service & Priesthood
Saturday June 5th - Sunday June 6th
Saturday June 12th - Sunday June 13th
The day will open and close with a blessing and ritual meditation with classes running through the day.
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles Online Access Information You will be provided instructions to access the digital content for this event. When and how these instructions are delivered to you is determined by the Event Organizer. To ensure access, use an up-to-date email address and avoid unsubscribing from email updates. See our Help Center for more information.