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El no lugar - Lectura dramatizada|A Staged Reading
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El no lugar - Lectura dramatizada|A Staged Reading

¡Aguijón Theater Company y el Instituto Cervantes de Chicago lo invitan a celebrar el Día Mundial del Teatro!

Acompáñenos, VIRTUALMENTE, este 27 de marzo para la entrega de premios y la lectura dramatizada de la pieza ganadora del Premio de Dramaturgia Hispana de Chicago 2020, EL NO LUGAR de José Manuel Hidalgo.

Este evento será trasmitido en vivo a las 2PM (hora central de los Estados Unidos) por Aguizoóm*


Gratis y abierto al público

*Originalmente programado como un evento presencial, hemos decidido llevarlo a cabo virtualmente, adhiriéndonos a las actuales normas del CDC, para garantizar la seguridad de nuestro público y artistas.

Aguijón Theater Company and Instituto Cervantes of Chicago invite you to celebrate World Theater Day!

Join us, virtually, this March 27 for the awards ceremony and the staged reading of the winning piece of the 2020 Chicago Hispanic Playwriting Award, EL NO LUGAR by José Manuel Hidalgo.
This event will be streamed live at 2PM (CST) via Aguizoóm*


FREE and open to the public

*Originally scheduled as an in-person event, we will be going fully virtual to adhere to current CDC guidelines and to ensure the safety of our patrons and artists

El Concurso Internacional de Dramaturgia Hispana de Chicago fue fundado en 2014 por Aguijón Theater Company con el apoyo y la colaboración del Instituto Cervantes de Chicago. El propósito principal de este concurso internacional bienal es incrementar las oportunidades disponibles a y promover los trabajos escénicos contemporáneos de autores hispanos. En esta cuarta edición, 271 obras fueron presentadas por escritores de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, España, Guatemala, México, Perú, El Salvador, República Dominicana, Uruguay, Estados Unidos y Venezuela.

The International Hispanic Playwriting Contest of Chicago was founded in 2014 by Aguijón Theater with the support and collaboration of the Instituto Cervantes of Chicago. The main goal of this international biennial competition is to increase the opportunities available to and promote the contemporary stage works of Hispanic authors. In this fourth edition, 271 plays were submitted by writers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Cuba, Spain, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay, the United States, and Venezuela

El dramaturgo mexicano José Manuel Hidalgo recibió el primer premio del Concurso Internacional de Dramaturgia Hispana de Chicago 2020 por su obra El no lugar. Egresado de la carrera en Literatura dramática y teatro por la UNAM, José Manuel Hidalgo ha sido merecedor de varios galardones incluyendo el Premio Nacional de Dramaturgia Joven Gerardo Mancebo del Castillo 2016 y el Premio Nacional de Dramaturgia Manuel Herrera 2017. Sus obras se han presentado en recintos como el Centro Cultural del Bosque, el Sistema de Teatros de la CDMX, el Centro Cultural Helénico, Teatro UNAM, entre otros. Su obra Bajo el signo de Tespis fue una coproducción entre el Festival Internacional de Dramaturgia Contemporánea Dramafest y la Compañía Nacional de Teatro con temporadas en México y Ginebra.

Mexican playwright José Manuel Hidalgo was awarded the first prize in the 2020 International Hispanic Playwriting Contest of Chicago for his work El no lugar (No Place). A graduate of the National Autonomous University of Mexico with a degree in Dramatic Literature and Theater, José Manuel Hidalgo has won numerous awards including the 2016 Gerardo Mancebo National Prize for Young Playwriting and the 2017 Manuel Herrera National Prize for Playwriting. His works have been presented in venues such as the Centro Cultural del Bosque, the Mexico City Theater System, the Hellenic Cultural Center, UNAM Theater, among others. His work Under the sign of Thespis was a co-production between the International Festival of Contemporary Playwriting "Dramafest" and the National Theater Company with seasons in Mexico and Geneva.



Timezone: America/Chicago
Online Access Information
Aguijón Theater is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95155915765 Meeting ID: 951 5591 5765 One tap mobile +13126266799,,95155915765# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,95155915765# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 951 5591 5765 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abtRe2qP9r



Owner: Aguijon Theater Company
On BPT Since: Aug 26, 2008
Aguijon Theater Company of Chicago

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