Concord (A Dance Film)
We believe dance is a powerful way to inspire change. Each of our pieces deal with current issues that affect our world as a whole.
Megan Becker's piece is about our current pandemic. Her piece explores our interconnectedness and the need we have for one another, despite feelings of isolation and division.
Angela Robinson's piece is about the beauty, power, and importance of the coral reefs.
Katy Hagelin's piece is about coming together to take care of our environment and the world we live in.
Anna' Hirko's piece is about the one in four statistic of sexual assault women in our country experience. She will have quotes from survivors in her piece some of which are graphic. Her dance piece will be at the end of the film and parental discretion is advised due to adult language and content.
We will have a live event on YouTube where you can speak to all four choreographers before, after, and during the event on December 5th and 6th. After the live event has ended the film will be available to rent. We will send you instructions on how to access the link for the live event.
This film is shot by WittyPixel, was performed at Velocity Dance Center, and is partially funded by The Seattle Office of Arts and Culture and 4Culture. Part of ticket sales will go to benefit Mary's Place: https://www.marysplaceseattle.org.
If you would like to donate to our dancers stipend you can donate here:
www.PayPal.Me/thecollectivedance www.venmo.com/TheCollective-DanceCompany-1
LocationYoutube live stream
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles Online Access Information You will be provided instructions to access the digital content for this event. When and how these instructions are delivered to you is determined by the Event Organizer. To ensure access, use an up-to-date email address and avoid unsubscribing from email updates. See our Help Center for more information.