Columbus Community Bill of Rights presents 'Hard Road of Hope' documentary about the people of West Virginia's journey through the fossil-fuels industry as a one-time showing. Film producer Eleanor Goldfield will be available after the showing for discussion and Q&A.
"Hard Road of Hope explains the peoples history of the region through the voices of people who still remember...The stories in this documentary are many and watching it unravels what should be in front of all of our eyes in all of our struggles. Goldfield pries the viewers eyes open to see how the use of radical history is a tool we need in order to see where we come from so we can clearly see the now and build a just future." - Orin Langelle co-founder Global Justice Ecology Project
Suggested ticket cost $12.00, however you may view for free if you need to. You will recieve an email with a link to the online event in the days prior to the event.
If you prefer to pay by written check, then order your ticket here selecting to view for free, and send Columbus Community Bill of Rights a check.
Mail it to: Columbus Community BIll of Rights P.O. Box 14741 Columbus, OH 43214
PLEASE consider donating to Columbus Community Bill of RIghts by visiting the link below: https://columbusbillofrights.org/donate/
Location'Hard Road of Hope' presented by Columbus Community Bill of Rights
Timezone: America/New_York Online Access Information Soon, you will receive an email that contains the link to access the online event. Just prior to the event, you will receive an email reminder, again with the link to access the online event.
If you need to contact the host, email us at info@columbusbillofrights.org.