Disney's My Son Pinocchio
My Son Pinocchio: Geppetto's Musical Tale is a light-hearted spin on the classic Pinocchio story. Once the Blue Fairy grants Geppetto his wish for a new son, the new father finds his parenting skills are a bit rough. With a book by David Stern, Academy Award-winning composer Stephen Schwartz creates an original score paired with two songs from Disney's animated feature Pinocchio.
Directed by Ryan Warren
Friday, November 1 - 7:00pm Saturday, November 2 - 2:00pm / 7:00pm
Matt Lemons Kayla Wood Cooper Davey
Location24th Street Theatre (View)
2791 24th Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |