ASME STS - Presents - "Enrons Downfall and Engineering Ethics"
Guest Speaker:
Michael E. Anderson - is a retired FBI Agent that was employed by the FBI from 1989 2017, in San Antonio, Austin, Washington DC and Houston, TX. He investigated White Collar Crime violations, with concentration on Economic Crimes and Financial Institution Fraud during his career. Agent Anderson was designated supervisor of the Enron Task Force in 2001. He has an MBA degree with Distinction from the University of Louisville. Additionally, Agent Anderson is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) as designated by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Summary of Topic:
Enrons unethical leadership, culture, and accounting facilitated criminal behavior and contributed to the failure of the 7th largest company in America in 2001. This discussion provides a retrospective on how the FBI investigated the most complex White-Collar Crime case in FBI history, resulting in 23 convictions and more than $100 million in forfeiture to the victims of the Enron fraud. Lessons of common-sense ethical takeaways are shared which are relevant to every occupation and employer.
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Topic: ASMESTS - Presents - "Enrons Downfall and Engineering Ethics" Time: Nov 19, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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