My Block My Hood My City (M3) Volunteering Event
ChiWIP is joining forces with My Block My Hood My City ("M3") on October 9 to help the block club of 13100 S. Vernon Avenue transform the area. We're meeting at 10AM alongside local residents to pick up litter and help with other tasks to tidy up the neighborhood. Volunteers will meet at 13134 S. Vernon Avenue in Chicago, where they will need to sign a waiver and will receive their volunteer roles, tools, and instructions. Friends and family members are more than welcome to join you!
Please wear close-toed shoes, a mask, and an M3 shirt if you have one! Refreshments, water, masks, and gloves will be provided as needed, and social distancing will be followed. If a restroom is needed, the block president will provide access to one.
Check out M3's website if you'd like to learn more about M3 or donate to the organization: https://www.formyblock.org/donate.
Location13100 S. Vernon Avenue
13100 S. Vernon Avenue
Chicago, IL 60827
United States
Owner: ChiWIP |
On BPT Since: Nov 23, 2015 |
Caroline Teichner |