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Ism, Ism, Ism: Cine reciclado (Recycled Cinema)
Virtual Screening and Q&A
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URGENt - we have a new log in for the screening at 7 pm New link: https://vimeo.com/466984879/a9c4c4aeb1


Ism, Ism, Ism: Cine reciclado (Recycled Cinema)
Sunday-Monday, September 20-21, 2020
Los Angeles Filmforum presents
Ism, Ism, Ism: Cine reciclado (Recycled Cinema)
Q&A on September 20
More information: www.lafilmforum.org,
(323) 377-7238
Tickets: Sliding scale

Promotional Support for these online screenings from Berkeley Art Museum * Pacific Film Archive;  WNDX Festival of Experimental Film, Winnipeg; Experiments in Cinema, Albuquerque; Lightbox Film Center, University of the Arts, Philadelphia.

In the spirit of Oswald de Andrades landmark 1928 provocation, the Manifesto Antropófagio, this program features a works of artists, dating from the 1950s up to today, that engage in found footage filmmaking, a subaltern practice of decolonization and critique through the collage of appropriated images and audio. This practice, sometimes called recycled cinema, détournement, or cinema of appropriation, has particular resonance in the region, where outsiders misrepresentations often dominate the local cinematic productions on screens.  Nuyoriquen artists Raphael Ortiz Montañez took a 16mm print of Winchester 73 (Anthony Mann, 1950), a Hollywood Western in which Rock Hudson plays a Native American, and hacked the reels to pieces with a tomahawk to release their evil. Placing the film fragments in a medicine bag, he performed a ritual exorcism inspired by his Yaqui grandfather before splicing together the random fragments, some upside down and others right side up, that comprise the Cowboy and Indian Film (1958).  A Cuban newsreel from 1960 shows the triumphant supporters of the Revolution taking over the former offices of major Hollywood studios, and repurposes the reels found within.  The progeny of these forerunners are diverse in their strategies and aims, ranging from Cecilia Barrigas The Meeting of Two Queens (1991), a queer romance between Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich, to Artemios mash-up of Walt Disneys adaptations of Winnie the Pooh and Francis Ford Coppolas Apocalypse Now (1979).  Eduardo Menzs Las mujeres de Pinochet (2005) juxtaposes the testimony of Carmen Gloria Quintana, an activist badly burned by the Chilean soldiers while protesting against the brutality of Augusto Pinochets regime, with footage of the dictator congratulating Cecilia Bolocco, the nations first successive Miss Universe contestant. Through reframing and repetition, the contradictions of these two womens experiences and of the totalitarian states parameters for acceptable female behavior slowly and painfully emerge.

No D.R.
Alfredo Salomón, 2002, 1 min., color, sound, digital, México.

Newsreel 49
Institúto Cubano de Artes e Industrias Cinematográficas, 1960, 1 min., b&w, 35mm transferred to digital, Cuba.  

Cowboy and Indian Film
Rafael Montañez Ortiz, 1958, 2 min., b&w, sound, 35mm reduced to 16mm and transferred to digital, USA.

Desde la Havana ¡1969! Recordar
Nicolás Guillén Landrián, 1969, 17 min., b&w, sound, 35mm transferred to digital, Cuba.

The Big Wack
Ricardo Nicolayevsky, 2002, 2 1/2 min., b&w, sound, digital, México.  

Oración por Marilyn Monroe
Marisol Trujillo, Miriam Talavera, and Pepín Rodriguez, poem by Ernesto Cardenal, 1983, 8 min., b&w, sound, 35mm transferred as digital, Cuba.

Apoohcalypse Now
Artemio, 2002, 8 min., color, sound, digital, México

Las mujeres de Pinochet
Eduardo Menz, 2004, 12 min., color, sound, digital, Canada/Chile.  

Las ruinas de Bahía Blanca
Nicolas Testoni, 2012, 5:20, color and b&w, sound, digital, Argentina.

Pobre del cantor
Taller Independiente de Cine Experimental, 1978, 2 min., color, sound, super-8 transferred to digital, México.

Enrique Colina, 1987, 11 min., color, sound, 35mm transferred to digital, Cuba.

This screening is part of Los Angeles Filmforums screening series Ism, Ism, Ism: Experimental Cinema in Latin America (Ismo, Ismo, Ismo: Cine Experimental en América Latina). Ism, Ism, Ism is an unprecedented film series the first in the U.S.that surveys Latin Americas vibrant experimental production from the 1930s through today. Revisiting classic titles and introducing recent works by key figures and emerging artists, Ism, Ism, Ism takes viewers on a journey through a wealth of materials culled from unexpected corners of Latin American film archives.  Key historical and contemporary works from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Puerto Rico and the United States are featured. The online screenings in Fall 2020 will conclude the touring portion of Ism, Ism, Ism. www.ismismism.org
Ism, Ism, Ism is accompanied by a bilingual publication (from University of California Press) placing Latino and Latin American experimental cinema within a broader dialogue that explores different periods, cultural contexts, image-making models, and considerations of these filmmakers within international cinema.
Ism, Ism, Ism was originally part of Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA, a far-reaching and ambitious exploration of Latin American and Latino art in dialogue with Los Angeles that occurred in 2017-18. Explore more at www.ismismism.org

Lead support for Ism, Ism, Ism is provided through grants from the Getty Foundation.
Significant additional support comes from the Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts.
Los Angeles Filmforum screenings are supported by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts & Culture, the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, the Wilhelm Family Foundation, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, and the American Cinematheque. We also depend on our members, ticket buyers, and individual donors.

Los Angeles Filmforum is the citys longest-running organization dedicated to weekly screenings of experimental film, documentaries, video art, and experimental animation. 2020 is our 45th year.

Memberships available, $75 single, $125 dual, or $40 single student.  Contact us at lafilmforum@yahoo.com. www.lafilmforum.org.
Become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @LosAngFilmforum #lafilmforum and on Instagram @lafilmforum


Virtual Screening and Q&A

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
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On BPT Since: Nov 17, 2009
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