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Local Sightings 2020 - Vanishing Seattle Series
Northwest Film Forum
Seattle, WA
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Local Sightings 2020 - Vanishing Seattle Series
[ Opening Night ]
Live Screening: Sep. 18 at 7:00pm PDT
Post-Screening Q&A at 8:00pm PDT

Or view it on-demand any time
Sep. 18-27, 2020
Followed by post-screening Q&A

Tickets are non-refundable. As a part of NWFFs commitment to equity and affordability during COVID-19, this virtual program is sliding scale, pay-what-you-can. Please contribute at a level appropriate to your means; any amount will support the Forum as we wait to re-open.

Festival - Local Sightings Film Festival 2020: Special Events

Vanishing Seattle Films takes a deeper dive into the stories of legacy, resistance, and resilience behind the #VanishingSeattle hashtag.

Vanishing Seattle is a project that documents displaced and disappearing institutions, small businesses and cultures of Seattle  and celebrates the histories, spaces, and communities that give the city its soul.

NOTE: Vanishing Seattle gift packs are sold out! Sorry to anyone who missed them!


Executive Producers: Cynthia Brothers & Martin Tran

This film project was supported in part by 4Culture/King County Lodging Tax. Produced in association with Northwest Film Forum.

Executive Producers note:
These films were made before the pandemic, before this springs uprisings for Black lives. As weve come to realize, the seismic events of 2020 have not just exacerbated vast economic, racial, and health disparities  they have made painfully obvious that these inequities are longstanding, pre-existing conditions that continue to go unresolved.

So I hope this film series is more relevant and pressing than ever. So much has happened, yet much remains the same. Despite global crises, the (too damn high!) rent is still due. Luxury development steamrolls forward. Small businesses, artists, and communities of color continue to be priced out at a dizzying pace. And they continue to resist and persist, with creativity and resilience. Capital may be a disaster opportunist, but we  as a world class city  are presented with an opportunity to interrogate and reimagine our priorities. Although Vanishing Seattle has largely been a practice of spotlighting specific spaces, I hope they all beg bigger questions. As Capitol Hill artist Jeannine Powers stated: Through the arts, we question  youre not supposed to accept what is. Youre supposed to creatively start to seek what you want.

When we emerge on the other side, what kind of city do we want to be? And what will we do now to make that happen?

Featured in this program:
Central District: Wa Na Wari
(devon de Leña & CHIMAERA, Seattle, WA, 8 min)

Wa Na Wari is a 5th-generation Black-owned home in Seattles Central District that creates space for Black ownership, possibility, and belonging through art, historic preservation, and connection  amid the context of increasing gentrification in a neighborhood that was once 80% Black.

University District: Hardwicks Hardware
(Lisa B. Hammond & Derek Johnson, Seattle, WA, 9 min)

Hardwicks is a 4th-generation independent hardware store in the University District that has supported boat builders, woodworkers, metalsmiths, artists, tradespeople, and countless small businesses, local industries, and Seattleites for nearly nine decades. Hardwicks Hardware will close and move out of state in Fall 2020, as they and their customer base are being priced out by a changing Seattle and U District.

Ballard: Scandinavian Specialties
(Cody Lewis & Jon Evans, Seattle, WA, 9 min)

Scandinavian Specialties is the last remaining Nordic-focused retail shop in Ballard, a neighborhood that has grappled with preserving its Scandinavian and working-class history against a backdrop of rapid development and gentrification.

Capitol Hill Arts District
(Angela Bernardoni & Laura Jean Cronin, Seattle, WA, 15 min)

This film shares the stories of artists, nonprofit leaders, and small business owners on Capitol Hill as they struggle to maintain a thriving presence for queer arts and culture in the neighborhood.

International District: Bush Garden
(Ellison Shieh, Martin Tran & Christopher Woon-Chen, Seattle, WA, 10 min)

In addition to being the first karaoke bar in the country, since 1953 Bush Garden has been a hub for connection, celebration, and multiracial organizing. After the historic building was sold to a private developer in 2017, a grassroots fight emerged to save both its history and future as a vital community space.

International District: Four Seas/Dynasty Room
(Tuyen Than & Ryan Catabay, Seattle, WA, 11 min)

Built in 1962, The Four Seas restaurant and Dynasty Room lounge was a gathering place for people from all walks of life, until its closure in 2017. However, the space is being reactivated to continue to serve and build community for future generations.


Northwest Film Forum (View)
1515 12th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122
United States



Owner: Northwest Film Forum
On BPT Since: May 27, 2004
House Manager

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