Local Sightings 2020 - Mad World (Shorts Program)
View this program on-demand Sep. 18-27, 2020
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Festival - Local Sightings Film Festival 2020: Short Film Programs
About Confronting the ghosts of our present, as humanity grapples with the current zeitgeist.
Film Program: Life: Plastic Wrapped (Sasha Chudacoff, Crested Butte, OR, 2020, 3 min)
A plastic bride comes to terms with being wedded to the earth's collective ruin.
Lemolo "South of Sound" (Chris J. Cunningham, Seattle, WA, 2019, 4 min)
In this music video for the Lemolo song "South of Sound," a strange game of musical chairs is played.
SERENDIP (Sally Cloninger, Olympia, WA, 2019, 5 min)
SERENDIP 1. an old Persian name for the country of Sri Lanka, 2. the root of the word, serendipity which of course means unexpected wisdom or an accidental discovery. Incorporating Hi-8 video and Polaroids from 1992 with found footage and animation, this film considers why we humans cannot seem to get along.
the life worth living (Peter Vogt, Seattle, WA, 2020, 7 min)
A video essay based upon a chance encounter with a homeless man.
It's Hidden Within (Angela DiMarco, Seattle, WA, 2020, 12 min)
A childhood trauma, the darkness of domestic violence, and a daughter caught in the middle of it all.
Still Life with Small Objects of Perfect Choking Size (Erin Lynch & Keetje Kuipers, Seattle, WA, 2019, 3 min)
Video poem by Erin Marie Lynch, based on the poem Still Life with Small Objects of Perfect Choking Size by Keetje Kuipers. Winner of Northwest Artist Award at Cadence: Video Poetry Festival 2020 [Online].
One Minute to Midnight (James Brammer, Seattle, WA, 2020, 7 min)
A scientist creates a powerful weapons energy source, more powerful than he knows.
And I Feel Fine (Kate Walker, Boise, ID, 2020, 8 min)
Fears and hopes for the world are expressed through brief interviews, old video footage, and heartfelt apocalyptic karaoke performances.
Lemolo "Mad World" (Chris J. Cunningham, Seattle, WA, 2020, 3 min)
Music video for Lemolos haunting cover of the Tears for Fears classic Mad World.
Champagne (Elizabeth Schiffler, Seattle, WA, 2020, 18 min)
As the outside world creeps into her kitchen, a chef who cooks for ghosts learns more about herself, her work, and her voice, in order to bring harmony to her restaurant.
LocationNorthwest Film Forum
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