Seattle Arab Film Festival 2020 - In the Diaspora [Online]
View this program any time from Aug. 29 - Sep. 1, 2020
Sliding scale admission: $0-25
Please pay what you can; proceeds support Seattle Arab Film Festival and NWFF during our closure! We encourage purchasing a ticket for each individual viewing this screening.
Tickets are non-refundable.
Featuring the work of visionary emerging and established Arab filmmakers, this years iteration of the Seattle Arab Film Festival includes a wide variety of remarkable short and feature films. Films are grouped into four themes: In the Diaspora, Youth in Focus, Family and Culture, and Strong Female Lead. Each theme includes films that are at once startling and generous, passionate and empathetic, electrifying and familiar. Through the eyes of masterful filmmakers, audiences will encounter a diversity of Arab stories, circumstances, histories, visions, and voices.
Arab life knows no borders. This series centers the stories of migrants and their families living throughout the diaspora, from New York to London. Protagonists face competing expectations, conflicting emotions, and growing isolation.
In This Program: LIKE SALT (Darine Hotait, US, 25 min)
Hala and Kendrick use boxing and jazz to survive in America.
COLORBLIND (Menna Ekram, Egypt, 11 min)
An Egyptian man and woman meet far from home, in a Bristol cemetery.
A MISSING BEAT (Maria Abdel Karim, UK, 6 min)
A composer living in London is driven to reconnect with his family in Lebanon.
BAGHDAD IN MY SHADOW (Samir, Switzerland, Germany & UK, 105 min)
A gathering place for exiled Iraqis is attacked in London when a Salafist preacher influences a vulnerable young man.
LocationNorthwest Film Forum (View)
1515 12th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122
United States