Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe
This remarkably imaginative adaptation created by The Company's professional touring program for young audiences, follows characters of Peter & Lucy, as they recount their travels through a magical wardrobe to the land of Narnia. There they join with the great Lion Aslan to defeat the evil of the White Witch!
WHERE: Orderup (9873 IH-10 W. (in the Colonnade I-10 & Wurzbach)
WHEN: Saturdays @ 10AM
Tickets: ONLY $5 when purchased in advance (At the door tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for children 3-17 yrs.)
9873 IH-10
San Antonio, TX 78230
United States
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: No |
Wheelchair Accessible: No |