Nebraska Wind Symphony, ¡Song and Dance! , Sunday, April 5, 2020 - CANCELLED
Strauss Performing Arts Center, UNO Omaha, NE
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This concert has been cancelled due to concerns related to COVID-19. We look forward to having people attend our free summer concerts and any of our 2020-2021 formal season concerts. Look for those details on our website.
Here is what you missed out on with this cancellation. Concert by The Nebraska Wind Symphony, Omaha's Community Band Sunday, April 5, 2020 - "¡Song and Dance!"
A band concert featuring music by composers of Latin and Spanish descent as well as music influenced by those regions. Selections to include music by Arturo Márquez, Joaquín Turina, Victoriano Valencia, and Jaime Texidor. Feature work for piano and winds by Julie Giroux entitled "Cordoba".
Guest Soloist: Dr. Kristín Jónína Taylor, Assistant Professor of Piano at the University of Nebraska-Omaha
Music Director: Dr. Joshua Kearney, UNO Director of Athletic Bands Associate Director: Keith Michael Davis Price Incl NE Sales Tax