In the dystopian masterpiece Brazil, Jonathan Pryce plays a daydreaming everyman who finds himself caught in the soul-crushing gears of a nightmarish bureaucracy. This cautionary tale by Terry Gilliam, one of the great films of the 1980s, has come to be esteemed alongside antitotalitarian works by the likes of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr. And in terms of set design, cinematography, music, and effects, Brazil is a nonstop dazzler.
"It remains Gilliams most artistically successful film because it juggles the historical and the hallucinatory, the eternally true, the prophetically true, and that which is only ever true in his mind. Its also the definitive film about how people live with excessive rules and regulationsmeaning that it speaks equally clearly to Gilliams curmudgeonly persona, the eighties, the entire modern era, and, in 2017, the early days of the Trump presidency." - Reverse Shot
"Its a world where instability is constantly threatening to undermine the tightly wound internal logic that governs everything, where loose cogs in the machine like Sam Lowry become threats simply because the system isnt wired to accommodate them BRAZIL, among the most fantastically dark and detail-rich science fiction flicks ever, wasand remainsa visionary work worth fighting for." Cine-File
""Its story glides effortlessly from knockabout comedy and political satire to dreamy romance, rambunctious fantasy, and dystopian science fiction. Its verbal and visual wit remain as incisive as ever, and the themes it exploressocial alienation, terrorism, the hazards of high technology, and the bureaucratization of absolutely everythingare more urgent now than when the film premiered in 1985." - Criterion
LocationSuns Cinema (View)
3107 Mount Pleasant Street NW
Washington, DC 20010
United States