CELP's 9th Annual Winter CLE: Protecting the Public's Interest in Washington's Water
CELP's annual full-day winter Continuing Legal Education workshop will be held on Thursday, December 5th at the Mountaineers Program Center 7700 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA. 98115.
The focus of the day will be protecting the public interest in Washington's water. Doors will open at 8:30 am, and the program will run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
We will be holding the event at a new location this year! The Mountaineers Program Center 7700 Sand Point Way NE Seattle, WA. 98115. Room Goodman B.
Lunch will be provided! Approved for 6 CLE credits: 5 Legal and 1 Ethics
PROGRAM: Making the Best Use of Our Water Resources Liquid Assets: How Washington's Trust Water Rights Program Restores Environmental Flows Transferring Conserved Water to the Environment: Oregon, Washington and the Paradox of Consumptive Use Economic Tools for Environmental Goods: the Case of the Lower Snake River Dams
Protecting Water in Troubled Times Checks and Balances on Agency Decisions: The Role of Administrative Law The End of Cooperative Federalism: The Trump Administration's Efforts to Eliminate the State's Authority Under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act
Reclaimed Water- Possibilities and Roadblocks Reclaimed Water in King County A New Resource- Recycled Water LOTT's Reclaimed Water Program: Cleaning and Restoring Water Resources for our Communities
The Fight Against Water Bottling Legal Tools- Proactive and Defensive Strategies for Protecting Communities and Preserving Flows The Cascade Locks Water Bottling Fight- A Case Study
Ethics Hour Professional Responsibility for Lawyer Environmental Advocates
SPEAKERS: Suzanne Skinner, Washington Water Trust Ted Howard, Center for Environmental Law and Policy Adam Domanski, EcoNW Sanne Knudsen, University of Washington Law School Andrew Hawley, Western Environmental Law Center Jacque Klug, King County Jason Hatch, Washington Water Trust Wendy Steffensen, LOTT Courtney Johnson, CRAG Law Center Julia DeGraw, community activist Russ Mead, Lewis & Clark University Law School
LocationThe Mountaineers Program Center (View)
7700 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA, WA 98115-3996
United States