PreFest at Loosey's
Thursday October 31 Gainesville PreFest at Looseys 7pm $14adv//$18dos
Jason Guy Smiley Solo electric punk rock and tropical fruit destroyer https://www.facebook.com/jasonguysmiley/
Reconciler Soft-edged hardcore with a Southeastern sensibility. https://www.facebook.com/reconcileratl/
No Sugar Rock'n'Roll, Booze & Feminist Revolution. https://www.facebook.com/nosugarrocknroll/
Protagonist Hope and rage from Boca Raton, Orlando, GNVFLA, San Francisco & Salem https://www.facebook.com/Protagonist/
Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires The real Alabama rock-and-roll. https://www.facebook.com/thegloryfires/
Astpai Punk//hardcore//rock n roll https://www.facebook.com/ASTPAI/
Penske File Punk rock n roll https://www.facebook.com/thepenskefile/
Looseys Venue//restaurant//dive bar// https://www.looseys.com
See yall at the show!
LocationLoosey's Downtown Gainesville (View)
120 SW 1st Ave
Gainesville, FL 32601
United States