These documentary shorts feature underrepresented groups and their struggles. The films depict collective and individual stories of identity, economic equality, modernity, and life. Sometimes surreal, always powerful and evocative - these works make realities and experiences neglected by mass media visible.
La Flaca (The Bony Lady). Directed by: Adriana Barbosa and Thiago Zanato, United States (20 mins)
BAYANDALAI - LORD OF THE TAIGA. Directed by: Aner Etxebarria Moral & Pablo Vidal Santos, Spain (11 mins)
Batay La. Directed by: Malia Bruker, United States, (25 mins) The Head & The Hand. Directed by: Marc Serpa Francoeur, Portugal (23 mins)
Prisoner of Society. Directed by: Rati Tsiteladze, Georgia (15 mins)
The Night Shift. Directed by: Max Mollring & Ian Burris, United States (5 mins)
LocationUCSC Communications Building 150 (Studio C) (View)
UCSC Communications Building
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |