¡Boza! is a feature length, character-driven documentary that follows the lives of three young sub-Saharan African immigrants who left home in their teens to embark on their years-long journey to Spain. Crost the Sahara Desert by foot, spending months to years living in the forests of Morocco, and finally making the dangerous crossing to the Spanish mainland or territories by land or sea, these three distinct immigration stories have one thing in common: their incredible optimism in the face of inconceivable adversity. The dynamic structure jumps between present day observational footage of life in Spain and reconstructing their migration story using animation and archival footage. Through parallel storytelling, the film compares these three inspiring stories of success to the hopes of a group of migrants living in the slums of Tangier, Morocco.
70 mins
United States, Spain
Directed by: Sydney Bowie
LocationUCSC Communications Building 150 (Studio C) (View)
UCSC Communications Building
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |