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Tablao Artichoke -- Flamenco Cubano: Ana Rosa Meneses & Samir Osorio
Café Artichoke
Portland, OR
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Tablao Artichoke -- Flamenco Cubano: Ana Rosa Meneses & Samir Osorio
Cuban Flamenco dancer Ana Rosa Meneses and singer Samir Osorio join up with Espacio Flamenco for one night only at Tablao Artichoke. Come enjoy the aire of our visiting guest artists in Portland's best listening room. With Brenna McDonald (toque), Lillie, Last (baile), and Nick Hutcheson (percusión). Seating is limited and advanced tickets are recommended.

Director, instructor, choreographer and principal dancer for the Compañia Flamenca Ecos, a group considered to be the foremost reference for flamenco in Cuba. In 2000 Ana studied with Ana María Bueno in Sevilla and has had the opportunity to study with accomplished artists such as Manolo Marin, Eva la Yerbabuena, Israel Galván, and María Juncal among others. She has performed as a soloist and choreographer on the international stage. She has a long career in the teaching of flamenco dance, mainly within the Company she directs, and has also taught workshops in important Cuban dance companies, including Contemporary Dance of Cuba, Acosta Dance Ballet and Lizt Alfonso Ballet.

Directora, profesora, coreógrafa y primera bailarina de la Compañía Flamenca Ecos. Esta agrupación es considerada el principal referente del flamenco en Cuba. Recibió en el año 2000 curso de perfeccionamiento en Sevilla con la profesora Ana María Bueno. A lo largo de su carrera ha podido recibir clases de reconocidos artistas como Manolo Marín, Eva la Yerbabuena, Israel Galván, María Juncal, entre otros. Se ha desempeñado como solista y como coreógrafa en importantes escenarios internacionales. Posee una larga trayectoria dentro de la enseñanza del baile flamenco, fundamentalmente dentro de la Compañía que dirige, y además ha impartido talleres en importantes compañías danzarias de Cuba, entre ellas Danza Contemporánea de Cuba, Ballet Acosta Danza y Ballet Lizt Alfonso.

SAMIR OSORIO-LEON began his career in 2000 with Compañía Flamenca Ecos of Havana, Cuba as lead flamenco singer. He was a founder and lead singer of the Irene Rodríguez Company in 2012 and 2014; collaborator with the Ballet Español de Cuba from 2011 to 2014; and musical director for Lina Sanz Company in 2014. Since arriving in the United States in 2014, he has appeared with Carmona Flamenco, Oleaje Flamenco, and others in the Seattle area. Mr. Osorio-Leon resides in Tacoma, Washington. He is also a writer whose debut novel "Buscando el Sótano" was published in 2019.


Café Artichoke (View)
2007 SE Powell Blvd
Portland, OR 97202
United States



Kid Friendly: Yes!
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


Owner: Artichoke Community Music
On BPT Since: Sep 12, 2016
Alexa MacDonald

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