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Tokyo Story
Suns Cinema
Washington, DC
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Tokyo Story
A profoundly stirring evocation of elemental humanity and universal heartbreak, Tokyo Story is the crowning achievement of the unparalleled Yasujiro Ozu. The film, which follows an aging couples journey to visit their grown children in bustling postwar Tokyo, surveys the rich and complex world of family life with the directors customary delicacy and incisive perspective on social mores. Featuring lovely performances from Ozu regulars Chishu Ryu and Setsuko Hara, Tokyo Story plumbs and deepens the directors recurring theme of generational conflict, creating what is without question one of cinemas mightiest masterpieces.

"True to Ozus low-level tatami-eye, were there with them at every turn. You participatesave rare instances of sentimental music, Ozu leaves you to behold whats said and unsaid without relying upon dramatic shots. Instead, he shoots everything square and symmetricallife is messy but thats how it fits. Young or old, turbulence helps comprise lifes geometry." - Brooklyn

"In this exquisite merging of specific and universal, infinite and infinitesimal, Tokyo Story perhaps most clearly illuminates that Ozu is not the most Japanese of filmmakers, but the most human." - Slant

"In the six films that Setsuko Hara and Chishu Ryu made together under the auspices of Japanese master Yasujiro Ozu, starting with the classic Late Spring and culminating in the heartbreaking Tokyo Story, the interplay between Haras smiles and Ryus sighs carried more complex emotion than could ever be verbalized." - AV Club


Suns Cinema (View)
3107 Mount Pleasant Street NW
Washington, DC 20010
United States


Film > Movies

Minimum Age: 21


Owner: Suns Cinema
On BPT Since: May 02, 2016
Suns Cinema

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