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Noel Hill in a house concert
Wee Ceili Room
Tualatin, OR
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Noel Hill in a house concert
Noel Hill, www.NoelHill.com will be in our home (the Wee Ceili Room) in Tualatin for an intimate House Concert. $20

When: Friday, August 9, 2013, 8:00pm, potluck prior starting at 7pm

Aine and I are proud to host, Noel Hill. Reservations by contacting Sam Keator at 503.691.2078, email sam.keator@frontier.com. Address is given after reservation!

This concert on Friday is in the private home of Áine Doherty and Sam Keator in Tualatin, Oregon. 12 miles south of Portland 3/4 mile off of I-5. Please note that we do have a dog and cat if that is a problem for you.

"Ireland is full of great musicians but only a few set standards." -PJ Curtis, Notes From the Heart

Noel Hill is one of those standard-setting voices in Irish music today. Few musicians in any field or in any generation achieve a position where both audiences and experts agree on their preeminence and mastery of an instrument; Noel Hill's virtuosity has firmly established him as the defining Irish concertina player of our time.

Noel Hill comes from County Clare on the west coast of Ireland, where the concertina tradition is so strong the instruments was nicknamed "the Clareman's Trumpet" and legend has it there was once a concertina in every other household. It was into one of these households that Noel Hill was born, and as a young child Noel was forbidden to touch his older brother's concertina. But he couldn't keep his hands off the instrument and was always stealing away with it. One day when his brother was laboring through a hornpipe Noel gave himself away by taking the concertina and playing the tune with ease. That got everyone's attention, and he's had it ever since.

Noel Hill has taken the humble concertina from the house dances of County Clare on the west coast of Ireland to stages throughout the world. The concertina, like Irish music itself, is currently enjoying a tremendous increase in popularity, and Noel Hill is at the forefront of this movement, not only as an awe-inspiring performer but as teacher and a well respected authority on Ireland's music.

In his hands the concertina is a new instrument, yet resounds with the integrity of generations, for Noel Hill makes the music new not through experimentation in other genres, but through consummate exploration and illumination from within traditional Irish music.


Note: Not to be missed!~ Totally acoustic.

Hosted by S & A Irish Entertainment, http://www.IrishPDX.com to sign up for newsletters


Wee Ceili Room (View)
Tualatin, OR 97062
United States


Music > xcvb
Social > Adult
Social > Dating

Minimum Age: 16
Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: No


Owner: S & A Events and Entertainment
On BPT Since: Jan 13, 2010
Sam Keator

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