Midsummer Memory Mandalas
Since the beginning of time, artists have made creations using materials found in nature, often as part of a reflective or contemplative practice. This "earth art" is typically impermanent and ephemeral -- designed to return to the land from which it was sourced.
This summer, you're invited to spend a few hours at Lakewood with internationally renowned earth artist Day Schildkret (@morningaltars) to experience the power of nature to express loss, celebrate life and transform grief into beauty.
Hands-on Mandala-Making Workshops Saturday, July 13 | 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m or 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $35; space is limited. BUY TICKETS ABOVE. Learn the 7-step process to make your own memory mandala to honor someone you've lost, led by artist Day Schildkret.
Midsummer Memory Mandalas is a new event at Lakewood that is part of our Lakewood Experience Series -- events designed to expand our understanding and bring new depth and meaning to the subjects of dying, death and remembering.
In addition to the workshops on Saturday, join us on Friday evening (July 12, 2019) for a large-scale earth art installation, open to the public (no ticket required).
Public Memory Mandala Installation Friday, July 12 | 4 - 8 p.m. Artists talk at 6 p.m. Free & open to the public Meet the artist, listen to his story and watch the giant memory mandala take shape.
LocationLakewood Cemetery (View)
3600 Hennepin Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55408
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |