Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike
This comedy by Christopher Durang revolves around the relationships of three middle-aged siblings, two of whom live together, and takes place during a visit from the third, Masha, who supports them. They discuss their lives and love, argue, and Masha threatens to sell the house. Some of the show's elements are directly pulled from the works of Checkhov, including character names, the setting of a Cherry Orchard, and the theme of the possible loss of an ancestral home. Winner of the 2013 Tony Award for Best Play and the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Play.
LocationOxford Community Arts Center (View)
10 South College Avenue
Oxford, OH 45056
United States
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |