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Sea Change Within Us
Seattle, WA
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Sea Change Within Us
On May 10th - 12th, as part of KSDs ongoing work in water concerns and climate change consequences, we will premiere a new work at Base: Experimental Arts + Space as a Base Independent Production. This 60 minute dance, with the audience seated on four sides, features 10 dancers moving 2-D planes into a dynamic 3-D installation by Roger Feldman, an original sound score by Seattle Composers Jessi Harvey and Kaley Lane Eaton, costumes by Sarah Mosher, and lighting design by Sara Torres.

It is vital that dance is a resource for (re)imaging and (re)creating life-affirming relationships with water in us and around us; even when we must move through the concerns and consequences related to our water bodies of rain, cloud, river, urban creek, ocean, ice, glacier and the suffering in us and around us. Can a work of movement art re-narrate the story of the human-as-separate and begin new rhythms back toward interconnected structures of well-being and becoming?

The sound score includes electronic and acoustic recordings: an original score with string quartet by Harvey; electronics and sounds from Eatons great-great-great-grandparents piano that traveled by raft up the Missouri River woven with the voices of interviewees from our collaboration with Devi Lockwoods 1,001 Stories on Water and Climate Change. An interactive map of 1,001 Stories on Water and Climate Change, including our Seattle interviews, goes live April 2019!

This new dance will also be a part of Global Water Dances at South Lake Union Park on June 15th, 3pm.  

It isn't enough to make art about these problems; we must develop practices of being moved from the problems toward new collective movements for the good of all.  Maybe these newly cultivated movements in the form of a work of art offer us an anchor in the deluge of data and predictions that allow us full-body repose with the information; offering an alternative to a retreat into disembodied distractions in our screens.  Maybe the art and practice of movement offers us an opportunity to see the possibilities for sensing a radical inner shift -dare it be joy?- found in the movements between the poles of fear and action; between grief and beauty; between reality and imagination; between matter and spirit.

KSD also celebrates ten years as an artist driven organization committed to movement art that matters to our humanity with imaginative new works, multi-disciplinary collaborations and advocacy for local new music.


6520 5th Ave S #122
Seattle, WA 98108
United States
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Arts > Dance
Arts > Performance
Arts > Visual
Music > Experimental

Kid Friendly: Yes!
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


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