ASME Hudson-Mohawk Section's First Annual "Capitol Mechanical Engineering and Energy Symposium"
ASME Hudson-Mohawk Section Presents its First Annual
"Capitol Mechanical Engineering & Energy Symposium"
*** Albany, New York, at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza: "Northeast Gallery" OGS Meeting Rooms #4, #5 and #6 ***
Thursday October 17th, 2013. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
DRIVING NAVIGATION: http://www.ogs.ny.gov/esp/Directions.asp
ESP PARKING DETAILS (COST NOT INCLUDED W/ TICKET / SELF-PAY): http://www.ogs.ny.gov/BU/BA/Parking/Visitor
*** NOTE FOR SELF-FUNDED SPEAKERS & OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS -> ASME Hudson-Mohawk's Section Chair has contacted the Downtown-Albany "Holiday Inn Express" and arranged a group discount -> A block of (12) group-discounted rooms at 300 Broadway, Albany, New York has been reserved for *Oct. 16 & 17* -> Group Code ("Block Name") = "ASME"; $119 discount-rate rooms are "king-size"; *no-charge* HIE Shuttle-Bus transportation from airport, Amtrak train station & Empire State Plaza is available to booked-guests if reservations are made in advance. Hotel URL: http://www.hiealbanydowntown.com ***
We are hosting a program showcasing numerous technical aspects related to the broadly termed field of "Energy".
The event will also provide numerous continuing educational and networking opportunities for all Professional, Scientific and Technical workers.
The availability of all the key speakers - to provide PDH/CEU credit and training to both licensed and non-licensed mechanical engineers, STEM workers, and members of the public - is firmed up, and the list below has been established by ASME Hudson-Mohawk volunteers.
*** SUGGESTED, *VOLUNTARY* CONTRIBUTION ONLY - TO SUPPORT OUR SCHOLARSHIP FUND FOR RPI, UNION & HVCC STUDENTS -> Professional Development Hour ("PDH") costs for licensed engineers (separate from ticket purchase): $10 per (1) PDH credit or $30 for unlimited PDH's / complete Symposium. Please pay the ASME room moderator volunteer at the start of each PDH presentation. ***
Those invited & their topic:
8:00 AM: ASME-TABLE IN *NORTHEAST GALLERY* / MEETING ROOMS 1-5 ENTRANCE HALL -> REGISTRATION BEGINS: Off the pedestrian "walkway to The Egg" containing concourse-level elevators to the Empire State Plaza's underground parking, look for ASME Hudson-Mohawk Section's table - covered by our logo'd royal-blue throw. Our ticket-checking volunteers with the "will-call" list will be there to greet you. Our sponsoring exhibitors are also located near our registration table.
8:15 - 8:25 AM: OGS-ROOM "MAIN" (Room #6) -> SYMPOSIUM BEGINS -> Opening comments by Past ASME President & Hudson-Mohawk Section Chair *Nancy Fitzroy*, and ASME-NYC-HQ Global Communities Staffer, Ms. Ty Booker.
8:30 - 9:30 AM: OGS-ROOM #4, PDH -> *First of Two* PDH talks by AlbanyEngineering.com -> Jim Besha Jr. and co-presenter Mr. Jeremy S. Pollard, PE, "Restoration of the Historic Stuyvesant Falls Hydroelectric Power Generation Facility: A Rehabilitation Project"; AE's 2nd Presentation Focuses on "Mechanical & Electrical Aspects";
8:30 - 9:00 AM: OGS-ROOM #5 -> Lawrence "Larry" Kelley, Mechanical Engineer (BSME '92, Clarkson University, Thermal, Fluid & Computational Science), ASME Hudson-Mohawk Section Chair, "NYSERDA.NY.GOV" -FUNDED CONSORTIUM: *The Center for the Evaluation of Clean Energy Technologies*, "The Advantage of Designing & Manufacturing Energy Products in the Empire State: Laboratory Testing of Cutting-Edge Wind, Solar, and RE-Storage Technologies in New York";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: http://www.ADKCleanRoom.com
8:30 - 9:30 AM: OGS-ROOM #"MAIN"(Room #6), PDH -> John Williams, Geological Engineer, U.S. Geological Survey, Troy, New York Office, "USGS's Perspective on Hydraulic Fracturing in upstate New York";
9:30 - 10:30 AM: OGS-ROOM #4, *Second of Two* AlbanyEngineering.com PDH Talks -> Jim Besha Sr., Civil Engineer, ASCE Member & President, and his employee / co-presenter, Ms. Wendy Jo Carey, PE: "Restoration of the Historic Stuyvesant Falls Hydroelectric Power Generation Facility: A Rehabilitation Project"; AE's 1st Presentation Focuses on "Civil and Hydraulic Aspects";
9:30 - 10:00 AM: OGS-ROOM #5 -> Michael Lobsinger, NYSERDA "EDGE" Regional Outreach Contractor. Topics will include a discussion about New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) Programs, including R&D Programs, Energy Efficiency Deployment Programs, and Business Development Programs. Michael will also introduce "Tech Valley Center of Gravity's" -> TechValleyCenterofGravity.com -> Troy, New York's *MakerSpace* Chapter: "Low-Cost Community Cleantech-Product Prototyping Capabilities for Capital Region Entrepreneurs & Inventors";
9:45 - 10:15 AM: OGS-ROOM #"MAIN"(Room #6) -> SUNY Albany Professor Haralabos "Harry" Efstathiadis; "Solar Energy";
10:30 - 11:15 AM: OGS-ROOM #"MAIN"(Room #6) -> Eugene W. Zeltmann, Midwest ISO, Chairman, *Corporate Governance and Strategic Planning Committee*, MISO Board of Directors, "Power Systems Operation at the Mid-Continent Independent System Operator";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: https://www.misoenergy.org/AboutUs/LeadershipGovernance/Pages/EugeneWZeltmann.aspx
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM: *LUNCHBREAK* -> McDonald's, Starbuck's and other concessions available to attendees, via a short walk from meeting rooms, in the Empire State Plaza's concourse-level.
12:30 - 1:30 PM: *KEYNOTER*, OGS-ROOM #"MAIN"(Room #6), PDH -> Michael "Mike" Hightower, Sandia National Laboratories: "The Energy & Water Nexus";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: "Mr. Hightower is a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff in the Military and Energy Systems Analysis Department at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He is a civil and environmental engineer and has over 35 years of experience in research and development projects. His current efforts include research and evaluation of innovative environmental and energy technologies and the security and protection of critical water and energy infrastructures. He also conducts research on the use of distributed and renewable energy technologies and distributed water and waste water systems to enhance sustainable economic development, global public health, and infrastructure resiliency and security. Since 2006 he has supported the US in developing a science and technology program plan for addressing energy and water interdependencies, most recently working with the National Science Foundation to conduct a US national workshop on energy and water research priorities."
2:00 - 2:30 PM, OGS-ROOM #4 -> Mark Meyhew, NYSERDA Senior Wind Energy Program Manager, "Distributed Wind Energy: What, How, Why";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: "Mark Mayhew is a Project Manager with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. He has been employed by NYSERDA for the last seventeen years, where he heads-up the On-Site Wind Turbine Incentive Program. The responsibilities of this position include reviewing and approving installer, turbine, and customer incentive applications; and other tasks that sound like fun. He was responsible for molding the program into its current design. The program has funded about 170 distributed wind turbines that range in size from 2.1 kW to 850 kW. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Small Wind Certification Council, NABCEP Small Wind Entry Exam Writing Committee, and received the Wind Advocate Award at the 2011 National Small Wind Conference. The On-Site Wind Turbine Incentive Program received a State Leadership in Clean Energy Award from CESA and NYSERDA is a founding member of Interstate Turbine Advisory Council."
2:00 - 3:00 PM, OGS-ROOM #5, PDH -> Dr. Peter Sutherland, PhD, Electrical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, IEEE Schenectady Volunteer, "Power Quality: Harmonics in Electrical Power Systems: Effects of New Technologies";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: "Dr Sutherland received the B.S at University of Maine at Orono and the PhD at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has worked for GE for over 20 years, where he was responsible for a wide variety of power system studies, and taught numerous seminars and classes. The main areas include electrical safety, power quality, harmonics, and transients. He is now a Grid Interconnection Engineer for GE Renewables. He a Fellow of the IEEE, Chair of the IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department, and an IEEE Industry Applications Society Distinguished Lecturer. He is a PE in NY and three other states."; PUBLIC PROFILE: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/peter-sutherland/77/19/475
2:00 - 3:00 PM, OGS-ROOM #"MAIN"(Room #6), PDH -> Dr. George Robinson, State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany, Biology Department Professor, "Mitigating Environmental Damage of Hydraulic Fracturing through Optimal Site Selection";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: http://www.albany.edu/biology/faculty/grobinson/index.shtml https://www.researchgate.net/profile/George_Robinson2
3:00 - 3:30 PM, OGS-ROOM #4 -> Rensselaer Aeronautical Engineering Professor & AIAA Volunteer Dr. Farhan Gandhi: "Morphing and Active Rotors for Small Wind Applications";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: http://www.rpi.edu/about/inside/issue/v6n15/rotorcraft.html
3:15 - 3:45 PM, OGS-ROOM #5 -> David Hauber, AutomatedDynamics.com, "Energy Conservation: Our Greatest Natural Resource";
ABSTRACT: "This presentation will outline the vast quantities of energy that we waste and how big of an impact energy conservation could have. We start by looking how little energy we pay for at the gas pump actually achieves the goal of transporting us to our destination. The talk then expands this paradigm from personal to global energy consumption and waste. Finally we look at how we as individuals and as a nation can improve efficiency, reduce environmental impacts and improve energy security."
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: "David Hauber has over 40 years of experience in advanced composite materials, additive manufacturing and advanced automation. He has a life-long interest in energy conservation and his current work involves the development of energy efficient processes to make energy efficient structures for aerospace and energy exploration applications.
Mr. Hauber holds 7 patents and has published over 30 papers on high performance composites, advanced automation, energy conservation and complexity theory. He holds degrees in physics, & business."
3:15 - 3:45 PM, OGS-ROOM #"MAIN"(Room #6) -> Ms. Chandra T. Reis, *Service Innovations Engineer, Philips Healthcare*; MS Electric Power Engineering (EPE) RPI; 2013 Section Chair - IEEE Schenectady Section; "Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Medical Device Power Quality; Using Energy in Unique Ways";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/chandra-reis/2/878/292
4:00 - 4:30 PM, OGS-ROOM #4 -> Bruce Brownell, Upstate New York Passive Home-Builder since 1960's, ASES.org *Passive Solar Pioneer* Award Winner, and active New York Solar Energy Society "NYSES.org" Volunteer: "Passive Solar Homes in New York";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: "Bruce Brownell graduated from N.Y.S. Forestry School with a BS and BA in wood products engineering in 1964. Since then he has worked in the family lumber business, created a 64 lot passive solar development in 1965, he started his own business, Adirondack Alternate Energy (AAE), which continues to supply design and engineering for passive solar homes. AAE has over 350+ homes that more than 1000 happy people live in. 'The sun has never sent one a bill'. The collective contribution of these homes since 1974 have resulted in a savings of 9.3 million gallons of heating oil and a reduction of 105,000 tons of CO to the atmosphere. He has been involved in 6 major monitoring projects, starting in 1977, with the last one being in 2010 through NYSERDA. He has done numerous speaking engagements including talking at the very first Earth Day in Flushing Meadows in 1970. He has done many educational seminars throughout the North East at high schools and colleges. He was recently awarded the 2013 American Solar Energy Society's Passive Pioneer award.";
4:00 - 4:30 PM OGS-ROOM #5 -> Anthony "Tony" Fresco, Mechanical Engineer (MSME), ASME Long Island Section Chair; Patent Agent, *Carter, DeLuca, Farrell & Schmidt* Law Firm, "Disruptive Ideas in Energy: Reforming our R&D Funding Process to Accelerate Local STEM Job Creation and Empower New York's Indigenous Engineering Community";
SPEAKER'S BIOGRAPHY: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/anthony-fresco/4b/411/709
4:00 - 4:30 PM OGS-ROOM #"MAIN"(Room #6) -> Thomas "Tom" Perry, PE: Education Director (ASME-HQ-NYC, 2 Park Avenue Staff), The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, "ABET, ASME Vision 2030, and the Practice-Ready Engineer"; Talk will include contemporary ABET issues - including online instruction - and ASME's role in: 1. The value of and need for more ASME/ABET program evaluators from industry, 2. The ASME Vision 2030 industry data on the industry-readiness of BSME graduates 3. The major advocacy strategies of ASME Education on undergrad curriculum -- and faculty -- change;
5:00 PM: *** SYMPOSIUM ENDS. ***
******************************************************** ASME Hudson-Mohawk Section would like to thank all those *sister-societies* and regional organizations that have pledged their financial and human-capital support for our event:
1. ASME District-A Fund, Dr. Richard Merz, Chair 2. ASHRAE Northeast, Doug Bell, Capital Region Chair 3. AIAA-NENY, Dr. Eric Ruggiero, Chair 4. IEEE Schenectady, Ms. Chandra Reis, Chair 5. The New York Solar Energy Society (NYSES.org), Wyldon Fishman, President 6. The Edison Tech Center, EdisonTechCenter.org, Schenectady, Craig Cantello, President 7. Ballston Spa Central School District, Darrel Ackroyd, "CleanTech High School", Managing Teacher 8. The New York State Energy Research & Development Authority "NYSERDA.NY.gov" 9. The New York State Department of Public Service "DPS.NY.gov" 10. The New York Capital Region *Makers* Chapter "TechValleyCenterOfGravity.com", Tom Tongue, President
We continue to seek additional corporate & sister-society sponsors, and appreciate financial help with this fundraising event, to support our ASME Student Section Scholarships and our other ongoing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) outreach activities.
The Symposium's focus is to promote the Mechanical Engineering Profession while providing opportunities for continuing education and professional development. The purpose of this event is to raise public awareness of engineers' positive contributions to the quality of life, promote the importance of a technical education including a high-level of math, science and technology literacy among both ASME membership and local citizenry, and to motivate youth to pursue engineering and related careers to provide a diverse and vigorous engineering workforce.
Proceeds from the Symposium will help build ASME Hudson Mohawk Section's Annual Scholarship Fund, for RPI, Union College, HVCC and local high school ME-track students, with our group's goal of making our JP Morgan-Chase "Custodial" fund self-sustaining / "perpetual".
1. END USE: Demand Management, Electric Vehicles, Demand Response & HAN, Energy Efficiency;
2. GENERATION AND STORAGE: Co-generation, Energy Storage, Biomass, Gas, Marine Renewables, Nuclear, Wind, Distributed Generation, Emissions and Environmental, Coal, Geothermal, Hydro, Solar Photovoltaic;
3. GRID (T&D): Communications Infrastructure, Distribution Management Systems, Mobile Workforce Management, Overhead Distribution, Power Quality, Substations, T&D Automation, Underground T&D, Grid Security, Geospatial Infrastructure Systems, Outage Management, Overhead Transportation, SCADA, T&D Asset Management, T&D Reliability, Metering, AMR & Data Management
TIER 1: Organizations w/ > $10,000,000 annual revenue;
TIER 2: Organizations w/ $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 annual revenue;
TIER 3: Organizations w/ $100,000 to $1,000,000 annual revenue;
TIER 4: Organizations w/ $50,000 to $100,000 annual revenue;
TIER 5: Organizations w/ < $50,000 in annual revenue.
Hope to see you at our event!
- Larry ASME Hudson-Mohawk Section Chair
Lawrence (Larry) Kelley Engineer / Project Manager - CECET Center for the Evaluation of Clean Energy Technology (an Intertek Company) New York Capital Region Office 40 Sterling Heights Drive Clifton Park, NY 12065-3717 Phone: (518) 951-6431 Email: Lawrence.Kelley@Intertek.com www.Intertek.com/CECET
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LocationThe Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza: "Plaza North"
South Mall Arterial
Albany, NY 12242
United States
Minimum Age: 5 |
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |