Moby Dick! or, the Water Ballet Spectacular!
TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR!!!! Even if online sales are closed, we have plenty of walk-up tickets available!
Fluid Movement returns with its 12th annual water ballet and, this time, it's personal! Join the ranks of Baltimore's sparkly-and-ironic synchronized swimmers for Moby Dick, or The Water Ballet! See them harpoon the most diabolical Spermaceti known to man or mermaid, the White Whale himself, Moby Dick! Our man Ishmael recounts the ill-fated final voyage of the Pequod under the monomaniacal direction of Ahab as he searches mid the rolling waves and the steaming chowder for signs of his nautical nemesis! Will he, or Starbuck, or Pip, or that other guy, you know, the one with the squint and the impenetrable brogue will any of them ever make it back to Nantucket alive? Will life ever be the same after you experience the splendors of the open sea, the vast biodiversity beneath the brine, the thrill of rendering blubber, the sense of self-fulfillment that only knot-mastery can convey without leaving the comforts of your favorite Baltimore City Public Pool?
Where and When:
Druid Hill Park Pool, July 27th at 5:00 PM (for $5!) and July 28th at 5:00 and 7:00
Patterson Park Pool, August 3rd and 4th at 5:00 and 7:00 PM
Doors open 30 minutes before each show
Tickets are $10, $5 July 27th, $5 for city pool pass holders, and are available at brownpapertickets.com and at the door.
LocationPatterson Park Pool (View)
148 South Linwood Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21224
United States
Kid Friendly: Yes! |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |