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Phoolan somos todas | Phoolan is Everyone
Aguijón Theater
Chicago, IL
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Phoolan somos todas | Phoolan is Everyone
"Phoolan is Everyone: In Memory of Phoolan Devi" is a one-woman show conceived as an homage to this woman from India, of low caste, who was abused and gang raped, who became the leader of a bandit gang, a member of  the Indian Parliament, who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and was finally murdered in 2001.

We have chosen the document-theatre genre, with a style close to expressionism. The chronology of the facts is not as important as the situations themselves, created by means of two women characters who blend into each other over the course of the play, in a process of grieving and liberation that draws us closer to to Phoolan Devi's spirit. A spirit that women from all over the globe nowadays need in order to confront the mounting systemic gender violence coming from the military, organized crime, the clergy, and socially condoned abusive traditions.

"Phoolan is Everyone" participated in the Bogotá and Cali Women's Theatre
Festivals in Colombia in 2010 and in the  WPIC (Women Playwrights International
Conference) in Stockholm, Sweden in 2012. It has been performed in various
theatres, universities and cultural centers in Europe, Latin America and the USA.

Performed in English on FRIDAY, JUNE 14.


"Phoolan somos todas: En Memoria de Phoolan Devi" es un monólogo concebido
como homenaje a esta mujer de la India, de casta baja, que fue maltratada y
violada en grupo, que se convirtió en la jefa de un grupo de bandoleros, en
Diputada del Parlamento de la India y a la que se asesinó en 2001.

Escogimos el género de teatro-documento, con un estilo cercano al expresionismo. La cronología de los hechos no es tan importante como las propias situaciones creadas por medio  de los personajes de dos mujeres que se funden entre sí a lo largo de la obra, en un proceso de duelo y liberación que nos acerca al espíritu de Phoolan Devi. Un espíritu que las mujeres de todo el mundo necesitan hoy día para poder enfrentar la violencia sistémica de género en aumento, proveniente del estamento militar, del crimen  organizado, de la iglesia y de tradiciones abusivas toleradas por la sociedad.

"Phoolan somos todas" participó en los Festivales de Teatro de Mujeres de Bogotá y de Cali en Colombia en 2010 y en la Conferencia Internacional de Mujeres Dramaturgas de Estocolmo, Suecia, en 2012. Se ha presentado en teatros, universiades y centros culturales importantes de Europa, América Latina y los EEUU.

Presentada en español SÁBADO 15 DE JUNIO.


Aguijón Theater (View)
2707 N. Laramie Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639
United States


Arts > Performance
Arts > Theatre
Other > Political

Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


Owner: Aguijon Theater Company
On BPT Since: Aug 26, 2008
Rosario Vargas, Co-Directora Artística

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