Beyond the Rainbow (Shorts Program)
Sat Feb 02: 5.30pm Sat Feb 09: 11.30am
Festival - Childrens Film Festival Seattle 2019: Shorts About Ages 7+
Enter a beautifully animated wonderland of timeless tales, fables and fantastic yarns. Youll meet a kitten who masters the briny deep, creatures who live a world made of wool, two lemurs who take a voyage to the beyond, a jungle where animals and humans coexist in peace, a place in the woods where friendly monsters live, and a cyclist who keeps the world spinning round.
Content advisory: Fairy tales and fables sometimes explore fears and dangers, but all these films have happy endings! In Land Without Evil, a boy bleeds very briefly in a non-graphic way after being bitten by a non-graphic snake, then quickly heals completely. In Dark, Dark Woods, monsters seem a little scary for a few seconds but really, they are friendly. In The Theory of Sunset, the figure of Death makes an appearance in a non-frightening way. In Two Balloons, friends have an adventure that seems fraught with danger at times. Pepita and Max has content involving Christian mythology.
71 min.
Woolworld (Joanna Polak, Poland, animation, 2018, 10 min, English) Washington State premiere!
Mr. Wooly likes is a world made of wool, and he is the only person who knows how to keep the place from unraveling. He is, however, old and tired and he wants his life to change. Unfortunately his wish gets granted.
Trailer >
Out Fishing (Uzi Geffenblad, Sweden, animation, 2018, 9 min, nonverbal) North American premiere!
A kitten is hungry, and cant catch anything tasty when she goes out fishing. But in a moment of illumination, she finds a creative solution, and a helper.
Pepita & Max: An Alpine Blessing for Monsieur Raf (Rahel Ilona Eisenring & Stephanie Knöbl, Switzerland, animation, 6 min, Swiss German with English subtitles) West Coast premiere!
When little Max loses his giraffe Monsier Raf, his smart cousin Pepita knows just how to help him with a marvelous alpine blessing, an ancient Swiss tradition.
Two Balloons (Mark C. Smith, US, animation, 2017, 9 min, nonverbal)
Two travelers have an adventurous journey to a place crossed by stars and clouds where love is at the beginning of everything.
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Land Without Evil (Katalin Egely, Hungary & Argentina, animation, 2017, 4 min, nonverbal, with unsubtitled song in Guarani) Seattle premiere!
Based on Guaraní mythology, this film asks, what if the real paradise is inside us and lies in the harmony and unity of everything alive?
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Little Red Riding Hood (Martina Holcová, Czech Republic, animation, 2017, 4 min, English) North American premiere!
Its a brave new world: Little Red and Grandma arent afraid of the wolf at all.
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Dark, Dark Woods (Emile Gignoux, Denmark, animation, 2017, 6 min, nonverbal)
Fed up by an endless routine of duties and lessons, princess Maria escapes to the dark, dark woods full of friendly monsters.
The Theory of Sunset (Roman Sokolov, Russia, animation, 2017, 9 min, nonverbal) Seattle premiere!
Deep in the night, a dedicated cyclist traverses the wintry forest. The challenge: make sure the new day gets off to a fresh and timely start.
Trailer >
Perfectly Naughty Kids (Tatiana Kiseleva, Russia, animation, 2018, 14 min, Russian with English subtitles) North American premiere!
A mischievous gnome helps save horribly obedient children from excessive mannerliness.
LocationNorthwest Film Forum (View)
1515 12th Ave
Seattle, WA 98122
United States