The Empire Revue, Providence's longest-running sketch and variety show, will ring in 2019 by presenting their sixth annual New Year's Eve variety show and dance party, called Revue Years Eve, featuring live music from the Superchief Trio at AS220s Main Stage.
The Empire Revue will present a special edition of their monthly variety show on the rowdy theme "Tear the Roof Off!" The show is hosted by musician and entertainer Keith Munslow and features special guest acts of all kinds -- such as music, stand-up, magicians, dance - you name it! -- as well as sketch comedy by the group The Sparkling Beatniks.
After the show, the Superchief Trio takes over for a dance party, featuring their unique combination of two-fisted piano, red hot trombone, blazing guitar, rock solid bass, powerful vocals and frenzied percussion antics. Their repertoire of original tunes in the style of New Orleans R&B, jump blues and boogie-woogie will launch party-goers into the New Year.
The show kicks off at 9pm and will include a midnight countdown with the Sparkling Beatniks. Adjacent to the show, The Bar at AS220 will be open all evening serving up good drinks and good times!
LocationAS220 (View)
115 Empire Street
Providence, RI 02903
United States
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |