Horror Hosts...of HORROR!
The Yellow Sign Theatre proudly presents Horror Hosts...of HORROR!
The six productions in this series celebrate the days of late-night UHF television horror movies and the corny, campy, crazy hosts who guided our adolescent selves through them.
From beatnik zombies to voluptuous vampire vixens, horror hosting is an American cultural art form responsible not only for shaping many people's teen years, but for introducing us to classic film. Come reacquaint yourself with your inner 12-year old as we present:
Zombeatie and the Cadaver Cat hosting "Horror Express" (Friday April 19 at 10:00PM, Saturday April 20 at 11:59PM)
Horatio Dark (The Internet Troll) and Fjordenstein hosting "Reefer Madness"(Friday April 19 at 11:59PM and Saturday April 20 at 10PM)
Vinnie the Vermin hosting "The Most Dangerous Game" (Friday April 26 at 10:00PM and Saturday April 27 at 11:59PM))
The Wyrd Sisters hosting "Bloody Pit of Horror" (Friday April 26 at 11:59PM and Saturday April 27 at 10PM
Dr. Kilgorsky and Rengor the Man-Ape hosting "The Ape Man" (Friday May 3 at 10:00PM, Saturday May 4 at 11:59PM)
Norbert and South hosting "The Brain That Wouldn't Die" (Friday May 3 at 11:59PM and Saturday May 4 at 10PM)
Two different shows per night!
LocationThe Yellow Sign Theatre (View)
1726 North Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
United States