The Drunkard's Lament with Branwell Brontë's Role-Playing Game @ 27th Annual Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival
.Zack Ballroom St. Louis, MO
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The Drunkard's Lament with Branwell Brontë's Role-Playing Game @ 27th Annual Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival
(Jim Finn, U.S., 2018, 40 min.)
Native St. Louisan Jim Finns The Drunkards Lament offers a strange, epistolary musical adaptation of Wuthering Heights as written by the consumptive brother Branwell Brontë. When Branwell the neer-do-well, tubercular brother of the Brontë sisters discovered that Emily was writing her first novel, he offered to be her editor. Once he realized that he was the model for the alcoholic Hindley Earnshaw character, he reimagined the story as a musical memoir of his own life with Hindley as the hero. Edited and arranged from the damaged film fragments, notes, sheet music, and letters to his best friend Francis, this weird and revisionist adaptation features a soundtrack created by Colleen Burke, who brought together such musicians as Jim White (The Dirty Three), Sally Timms (The Mekons), and Michael James and Munaf Rayani (Explosions in the Sky) as contributors. Following the screening, Finn will lead the audience in a 45-minute role-playing game based on Branwell's version of Wuthering Heights. With director Finn, SLIFF Charles Guggenheim Cinema St. Louis Award honoree.
.Zack Ballroom (View)
3224 Locust St.
St. Louis, MO 63103
United States