Calling RE-ANIMATOR a crucial gore movie is like saying that fire is hot. -- Zack Carlson, co-author of Destroy All Movies
H.P. Lovecraft and Lucio Fulci did not team up to make the most amazing gore-sex grotesquerie of 1985 -- but thanks to RE-ANIMATOR, they didn't have to. Director Stuart Gordon and producer Brian Yuznas joint debut feature, this epochal, awe-inspiring amalgam of FRANKENSTEIN, THE BEYOND, and REVENGE OF THE NERDS is where science meets chaos to produce an hyperactive overdose of gruesome insanity.
Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) is a new Miskatonic University student who also moonlights as a mad scientist, intent on perfecting a serum that re-animates corpses. Soon, everyone wants a piece of the action, including an evil professor and his army of slime-covered deadites. With berserker theatrics, career-defining roles from horror icons Combs and Barbara Crampton, and a scene of two adults chasing an undead cat in a basement, RE-ANIMATOR isnt just a masterpiece of the horror genre -- its a masterpiece of life. -AGFA
LocationSuns Cinema (View)
3107 Mount Pleasant Street NW
Washington, DC 20010
United States