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Inclusive Practices Conference
Holiday Inn & Suites Peoria At Grand Prairie
Peoria, IL
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Friday Oct 12, 2018 7:45 AM - Friday Oct 12, 2018 3:30 PM | Free - $50.00


Inclusive Practices Conference
Continental Breakfast and Catered Lunch Provided!
Free Gift for All Attendees!
6 PD Credits Available!

* Early Bird Registration BONUS  All paid registrations received by September 30th will be entered in a drawing for a $250 Classroom Student Support Grant from HOIDSA! Winner will be announced at the conference. Must be present to win.      

* Administrators, HOIDSA Members and College Students Attend Conference for FREE!!! $10 refundable fee required at time of registration to ensure an accurate count for catering  breakfast and lunch provided.  Must pre-register by October 4th to be eligible for $10 refund. Registered Administrators, HOIDSA Members, and College Students must attend conference AND complete and return the appropriate Registration Fee Refund Form provided at the conference to be eligible for the $10 refund.

* Substitute Teacher Pay Reimbursement for Schools! HOIDSA will reimburse either the districts actual substitute teacher daily pay rate or $100, whichever is less, for educators that require a sub while they attend. Substitute teacher pay reimbursement is available for up to 3 educators per school building located in HOIDSAs service area. Registered teachers and paraprofessionals MUST attend conference for school to receive substitute reimbursement pay. Educators MUST complete and return a Substitute Pay Reimbursement form provided at the conference. Checks will be mailed to schools following the conference.
    * You do NOT need to have a student with Down syndrome in
      your school to receive substitute pay reimbursement!
      Information presented at the conference will benefit all
      educators of children with additional needs!

Calling all Administrators, Teachers, Paraprofessionals, and Family Members. Come learn from experts who understand the challenges and rewards of Inclusive Practices!

Who knows your child best? You do!

Who is your child's biggest and most important advocate? You are!

Parents need to be informed decision-makers to advocate for the best educational placement for their child. Find out why research has shown students with disabilities should be educated with their typically developing peers. As members of the IEP team, parents play a key role in the education planning process. Our dynamic team of speakers will explain what inclusion can look like in your child's school, and how to work with educators to fulfill your vision of your childs future.

Who wants all their students to achieve the most they can? You do!

Can teaching a diverse group of learners be challenging and time-consuming? Sometimes!

If you're fortunate enough to have a student with special needs in your classroom, you may be struggling with how to keep them included and engaged in your lessons. Students with disabilities do not need to engage in the curriculum in the same way that students without disabilities do, but no one has time to plan separate lessons! You will love to learn from these renowned speakers about planning processes and teaching strategies that help all students reach their maximum potential, while accessing the same material.


Dr. Paula Kluth is a consultant, teacher, author, advocate, and independent scholar who works with teachers and families to provide inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities, and to create more responsive and engaging schooling experiences for all learners. Paula is a former special educator who has served as a classroom teacher and inclusion facilitator. Her professional interests include differentiating instruction, active learning, and inclusive schooling.

She is the author of numerous books and products including Universal Design Daily, 30 Days to the Co-taught Classroom, Dont We Already Do Inclusion?, From Text Maps to Memory Caps: 100 More Ways to Differentiate Instruction in K-12 Inclusive Classrooms, and Youre Going to Love This Kid!. Paula is also the director of a documentary film titled We Thought Youd Never Ask: Voices of People with Autism.

Michael Remus has been a general education teacher, special education teacher, school principal, school board member, college instructor, special education director for a school district, and the state special education director for the State of Kansas.  He is also the parent of four children, two of whom have disabilities. Currently he is Director of Student Support Services for the Cottonwood Oak Creek School District in Northern Arizona. Most of his professional career has been in the classroom and in training parents and educators on how special education works. He has worked in nine educational systems with varying numbers of students, schools and geographic areas to facilitate them in systems change.

He is co-author of seven books for parents on how special education works, two training curricula based on the books, two effective practices manual on special education for schools, a toolkit with the administrative tools needed to make inclusive education successful and a Disability Awareness Activity Packet for teachers.

Michael has received many awards for his work regarding inclusive practices.  He has received the national TASH award as the Most Promising Administrator for Inclusive Practices, Educator of the Year from the National Down Syndrome Congress, the Joleta Reynolds Service to Special Education from LRP and many awards from different states.  

Meghan Burke, Ph.D., BCBA-D, is an associate professor of special education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests include parent advocacy, families (i.e., parents and siblings) of individuals with disabilities, and disability policy. Meghan's research examines how parents advocate for services for their offspring with disabilities. Specifically, Meghan has developed an advocacy training for individuals to learn how to advocate for other families of children with disabilities to access needed services across the lifespan. Additionally, Meghan conducts research examining how siblings of individuals with disabilities transition to caregiving roles. Meghan has a brother, Ryan, who is 24 and has Down syndrome. She is also the parent of a child with a disability.

Bridget Brown is a successful young woman who captures the attention of everyone she meets with her vitality and confidence. Bridget redefined the term inclusion by being the first person with Down Syndrome to be included in her school district from preschool through high school. She started her advocacy organization called BUTTERFLIES FOR CHANGE with her mom when she became a national public speaker. She inspires people to include students with disabilities, so they have access to the curriculum and a full educational experience along with the tools and strategies she used to be successful. She also is a person-centered planning coach and works with young adults with disabilities to help them find their own voice and present at their own IEP meetings. She has a variety of jobs that include working at the University of Illinois Chicago as a dental health educator, and for the PACE bus company. She has worked for Project CHOICES, Early CHOICES and a variety of school and community inclusion initiatives in Illinois. She is a union actress and has been on TV, in movies, and commercials.

Bridget has been trained as a PATH/MAP facilitator and she is a graduate of the STARS advocacy program through the ARC of Illinois.  Bridget is filled with hope that all people can live full and productive lives in their home school and community if we just dwell in the possibilities!


Holiday Inn & Suites Peoria At Grand Prairie (View)
7601 N Orange Prairie Rd
Peoria, IL 61615
United States


Education > Classes
Education > Workshops

Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes!


On BPT Since: Jul 16, 2011
HOIDSA - Education Committee

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