THE MONOCHROME SET (UK) w/ Farquar Muckenfuss
England's legendary The Monochrome Set return to the U.S. for the first time in over 30 years!
Thursday, May 30 PhilaMOCA 531 N. 12th Street All ages, doors at 8:00, show at 9:00
THE MONOCHROME SET The Monochrome Set are an English post-punk band originally formed in 1978 from the remnants of a college group called The B-Sides (whose members had included Stuart Goddard, later known as Adam Ant). The band is notable for its witty lyrics, the laconic delivery of lead singer Bid, and the idiosyncratically retrogressive playing style of original lead guitarist Lester Square. Study up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Monochrome_Set
FARQUAR MUCKENFUSS (PHL) Farquar Muckenfuss is what results when mixing classic, instrumental surf rock with skate punk, rockabilly, exotica, and circus music. To keep the attention of a confused audience awaiting vocals, the trio found it important to be engaging otherwise so they developed confrontational, garishly-costumed, stage antics. They also crowded the stage with antiquated laboratory equipment, biological oddities, and surplus military gear. In 1998, with the help of The Dead Milkmen's Joe Jack Talcum, they recorded the album "They Grow Their Own Meat: Grade 'E' (but Edible)" (Burnt Toast Vinyl, 1999). The band disappeared in October of 2000 and waited twelve years before announcing their next show.
http://www.themonochromeset.co.uk/ http://www.philamoca.org/
LocationPhilaMOCA (View)
531 N. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19123
United States