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FARMWALK 2018: Organic Orchard Pest Management / Manejo Orgánico de Plagas de la Huerta - White Bear Orchard
White Bear Orchard
Quincy, WA
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Thank you for attending this special FARMWALK focused on On-Farm Conservation Irrigation & Beneficial Pollinators! Feel free to connect with us again for other related events and networking opportunities.


FARMWALK 2018: Organic Orchard Pest Management / Manejo Orgánico de Plagas de la Huerta - White Bear Orchard
¡Esta será una FARMWALK completamente bilingüe ofrecida con el apoyo de WSU Skagit County Extension, Viva Farms y por el USDA!

Nuestro anfitrión, Manuel Mendoza, ha hecho exitosamente la transición de trabajador agrícola a propietario de una granja, comprando las huertas White Bear de 60 acres en las que trabajó durante 25 años. Manuel discutirá y demostrará sus estrategias orgánicas de manejo de plagas y la implementación del hábitat para polinizadores beneficiosos. Trabajando en conjunto con entomólogos de WSU buscaremos insectos benéficos y discutiremos formas de mejorar aún más su hábitat. También consideraremos la selección de variedades para mejorar las estrategias de manejo de plagas. También tendremos la oportunidad de aprender más sobre el sistema de riego actualizado de Manuel, que ha instalado con los fondos de contrapartida del USDA, para ayudar a conservar y administrar su agua de manera más eficiente.


This will be a fully bilingual FARMWALK offered with support from WSU Skagit County Extension, Viva Farms and the USDA!

Our host, Manuel Mendoza, has successfully made the transition from farm worker to farm owner, purchasing the 60-acre White Bear Orchards he had worked on for 25 years. Manuel will discuss and demonstrate his organic pest management strategies and implementation of habitat for beneficial pollinators. Working together with WSU entomologists we will scout for beneficial insects and discuss ways of further enhancing their habitat. We will also consider varietal selection to enhance pest management strategies. Well also have a chance to learn more about Manuels updated irrigation system, which he has installed with USDA matching funds, to help conserve and manage his water more efficiently.


White Bear Orchard (View)
6631 Road T NW
Quincy, WA 98848
United States


Education > Tours

Minimum Age: 12
Kid Friendly: Yes!
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: Yes!


Owner: WSU Food Systems
On BPT Since: May 18, 2018
Nicole Witham


Name Withheld
Mesa, WA United States
Aug 05, 2018 8:48 PM
Brent E.
G.S. Long Wenatchee
Monitor, WA United States
Aug 03, 2018 11:52 AM
Ignacio M.
Yakima, WA United States
Aug 02, 2018 3:30 PM
Stephen S.
Mead, WA United States
Aug 02, 2018 2:33 PM
Rosemarie S.
Master Gardener Intern/ WSU
Mead, WA United States
Aug 02, 2018 2:33 PM

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