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Found in Time
Harkins Scottsdale 101 Theatre
Phoenix, AZ
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Found in Time
'Found In Time' is a fantasy with elements of film noir and drama, in the vein of 'Donnie Darko' or 'Primer.' The film takes place in an alternate version of present-day New York City. Psychics with real powers exist in this world, but are shunned by 'normal' society and are heavily regulated by the dreaded Psychological Police Corps. ('PsychCops'). They lead dark, lonely lives, plagued by their gifts as much as helped by them.Our hero, Chris, is a collector. He compulsively picks up little objects such as pens, coins, lighters, keys, stones, and other detritus that the rest of us lose or throw away. Then he sells them on the street. But every object he picks has meaning for someone else in the future. The button he finds today will exactly replace the one you'll lose off your coat tomorrow. But one of the side effects of his gift is that he 'slips time.' Instead of experiencing life as a linear sequence of events, he sees the past, present and future in a jigsaw-like jumble. Sometimes he 'blacks out' out entire stretches of time. Chris wants to live a 'regular' existence """ he lives with his 'normal' girlfriend, Jina; doesn't socialize with other psychics; and takes medication to keep his time slippage under control. He even starts seeing a therapist, at Jina's request. It seems like he might be able to turn things around.But then two things happen. First he meets Ayana, a psychic who weaves found threads and rags together into bracelets, which alter the moods of the wearers. Like Chris, she sells her wares on the street. Unlike him, she seems to have given up on having a normal life.Then Chris kills two Psychcops in the future, while trying to defend Ayana. Now he has to change his present to prevent the murders from happening. But how does he do that if he's not even sure what time it is now?


Harkins Scottsdale 101 Theatre
7000 E Mayo Blvd
Phoenix, AZ 85054
United States



Kid Friendly: No
Dog Friendly: No
Non-Smoking: No
Wheelchair Accessible: No


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