9-22 (Democracy Held Hostage)
Dir. Bamdad Bahar (USA 2018) 1hr 42 min Animation/Satire 5 euro/Students free/ Sunday May 27 12:00 CREA
Recent History...the States is suffering from an epidemic called Cultural Amnesia not only can we not retain what happened in the last few years...but is seems all history post Nixon is either forgotten, ignored, or never absorbed in the first place. I remember first hearing of the Iran Contra scandal in my early teens and I did a bit of research (this was PRE Internet people!) and things just didnt add up. And I asked myself...am I the only one who thinks things do not add up? The destabilization of Iran, the hostage crisis and many other occurrences the US had their hands in are very much factors in the quagmire of political and foreign upheaval we experience today, yet everyone just shrugs their shoulders and wonders how we got here? That 9/11 was such a shock, that the current administration is such a shock....I am fascinated with history of the Carter into Reagan years as I think it was such a dark time that we have collectively forgotten everything from pop culture to foreign policy. The older generation may be able to recall and perhaps be biased in their memory; Gen X has vague recollections of the Ollie North trials and the Millennials...well good luck talking anything 70s to them! I in no way endorse this film as historically accurate in all aspects BUT what is relevant here is the style...what struck me was the roundabout cyclical nature of the lawyer trying to get a straight answer and JUST CANT....it is soooo fitting for the whole Oliver North trials and even what is going on today...there is blatant scandal under our noses and no one can get a straight answer! We are in a postmodern vortex of confusion where nothing adds up. Obfuscation is best serviced by more media and digital realms of the Internet...there is no agreed upon "truth"...it is in my mind ...collective madness. This is still fun though! This animation is old school so definitely hit The Bulldog before coming. Alexandra Nakelski
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