The Color of Your Skin Shorts
The Color of Your Skin
Run Time: 1 hour 28 min Monday May 28th 4:30 PM 8 Euro/5 concession LAB111/LAB2
Cinema is such a great forum for subjects that are otherwise difficult to have conversations about.
They Charge For the Sun* Dir. Terence Nance (USA 2017) 17 min
Les Misérables Dir. Ladj Ly (France 2017) 16 min
French (Le Bleu Blanc Rouge de mes Cheveux)* Dir. Josza Anjembe (France 2017) 20mins
American Paradise* Dir. Joe Talbot (USA 2017) 18 min
White Dir. David Moya (UK 2017)15 min
White Man arrives to the Transition Centre Plus after dying of food poisoning on a cruise. There he is informed that he cannot be white in his next life. This triggers a ridiculous but insightful conversation about what it is to be white and its undeserved privileges.
LocationLAB 111 (View)
Arie Biemondstraat 111
Amsterdam 1054 PD