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Where Do You Belong? Shorts
LAB 111
Amsterdam Netherlands
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Where Do You Belong? Shorts
Where Do You Belong?
Run Time: 1 Hour 33 min
Monday May 28th 2:30 PM
8 Euro/5 concession

When you move to another city, another country...are you "from" where you originally were? Or where you presently are?  Increased mobility in the last century has shifted demographics greatly and along with that, cultures.  Senses of community have altered with the advent of social media...you can keep in touch with a high school friend that decades ago you would have never seen again after you moved.  This has both positive and negative ramifications.  Sometimes you may be so stuck in the past...you neglect to notice the new things to be discovered right under your nose. The anchor or the past prevents you to forge ahead.  Quite frequently employment in the global economy, perpetually in flux, requires us to live where the work is. The constant re-rooting of our temporal identity, no matter the circumstance,  begs the question...Where do you belong?

Into the Blue*  
Dir. Antoneta Alamat Kusijanovic (Croatia / Slovenia / Sweden 2017) 22min 8s

Two Whales (Dos Ballenas)*
Dir. Diego Cruz Cilveti (Mexico 2017) 15 min

The ties between siblings are inexplicable... special communication, special languages, solidarity against the parents... your best friend from cradle to grave. Nights staying up way past bedtime...parties when parents are away, secrets shared well into adult life, them seeing you at your worst and making things better just by being there...that shared DNA and time spent in the most formative years connects you no matter the distance that separates you in your life journeys.

The title of this short refers to the eldest brother's ambition to study whales shortly after he has graduated high school and must embark on his first adventure alone. "It's not the smartest or strongest species that survives, but the one thats able to adapt."  It is terrifying knowing you must leave behind the only world you ever knew, but the strength of your sibling's love will carry you through.

On another personal note, I dedicate this short to my sister (along with my mom!) who is travelling all the way from Phoenix, Arizona to help with this festival as she has in the past ten years with all my festivals and all the other endeavors I have experienced since I left our home in 1996.  I also learned from the director that he co-wrote this with his sister...and it is obvious from the finished film on screen that they too have that special bond. I love seeing time and time again that this is an international phenomenon and another of the many universal-underlying factors defining our humanity.
Alexandra Nakelski

Le Grand Remix
Dir. Austin Alward (USA 2018) 17 min

From within the New Orleans French immersion community, a francophone school teacher from Africa and a teenage former student connect through music, dance, and cathartic visions of their worlds re-imagined.

"The Placeless Place" 2016
Dir. Ati Maier (USA 2016) 10 min 28s

Dir. Loukianos Moshonas (Greece/France 2016) 28 min

Down in the basement, as the seasons go by, an Albanian worker and an upper-class young man redo a flat. High on the rooftop, as night falls, the young man and his friends reconsider equality and what they consider is 'real'.

Some very candid and valid remarks about how someone who punches keyboards in Austria is valued more than one who works with their hands in Greece...you are basically worthless if you dont subscribe to the digital "Rat Race"... The reality of globalism and what is required to stay in that race is not everyone's reality...or desire. AN


LAB 111 (View)
Arie Biemondstraat 111
Amsterdam 1054 PD



Owner: Manifesto Film Festival
On BPT Since: Apr 07, 2018
Manifesto Film Festival


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