Voces De Guerrilla (Guerrilla Voices)
Voces De Guerrilla (Guerrilla Voices) Dir. Sjoerd Van Grootheest (Netherlands/Colombia 2018) Run Time: 1 hour 13 min Feature Documentary Monday May 28th 12:45 PM 8 Euro/5 concession LAB111/LAB2
From December 2016 a group of 220 guerrileros of the FARC's 6th front entered a Transition and Normalizacion Zone in Monteredondo, Cauca. The filmmaker entered the camp in January 2017 and followed several guerilleros in the process of demobilization. The guerrilleros talk about their experiences in the guerrilla, the reasons for entering, and their dreams for the future. Throughout the documentary we see how the guerrilleros prepare themselves for a life without arms. But insecurities arise when armed groups get closer to the demobilization camp, and the government seems unable to fulfill its promises.
LocationLAB 111 (View)
Arie Biemondstraat 111
Amsterdam 1054 PD