Harmony, rhythm, indelible songs these are the hallmarks of Rani Arbo & daisy mayhem, the New England based folk quartet now in its 17th year. From the Newport Folk Festival to the California World Music Festival and beyond, this bands steadfast brew of wit, camaraderie, and musicality leaves audiences everywhere humming and hopeful, spirits renewed.
The band's Wintersong program sidesteps the holiday canon and digs up the power, beauty and hopeful yearning at the roots of this holiday. These are songs and musicians full of fierce poetry and wild joy; this program is their ode to light and dark, and to the balance of both at the turn of the year.
If Rani Arbo & daisy mayhem offer to cook at your place, you better open up all the doors, and borrow every table and chair you can, because the whole town should come.
.Folk Alley Magazine Playful and profound The Boston Globe
Richmond Congregational Church (View)
20 Church St.
Richmond, VT 05477
United States