MIX NYC 30th - Friday Night - Curators' Choice
Much like our wonderful community that often serves as a safe haven for those who feel as though they don't belong anywhere else, these pieces are amazing 'square pegs' that we could not leave on the cutting room floor. This is a hand-picked showcase by our 2018 Programming Committee that celebrates the oddities of MIX 30. The result is an eclectic curation of films that puts a spotlight on topics that, despite not quite applying to other MIX 30 showcases, are nonetheless illuminating.
Efficient Story claRa apaRicio-yoldi 2016, UK, video, color, sound, 4 min. US Premiere
182 cm Queenie La JohnJoseph 2017, UK, video, color, sound, English w/ English subtitles, 17 min. US Premiere
Lil Tokyo Story Matthew Lax 2016, USA, 2-channel video, b&w, sound, 4 min.
BLOW JOB 2017 Charles Lum & Todd Verow 2017, USA, color, sound, English, 4 min.
Onward Lossless Follows Michael Robinson 2017, USA, video, color, sound, 17 min. Not a premiere.
Wild Ponies Quito Ziegler, WRRQ Collective 2018, USA, video, color, sound 30 min. Premiere
LocationThe Dreamhouse (View)
1022 Wyckoff Ave
Ridgewood, NY 11385
United States