Feminine Folklore Anything...in between
In this installment of the shockingly real and hilarious devised theatre piece of Feminine Folklore, we are examining the theme of "Anything In Between" .In this topic we're exploring the taboos, assumptions, and stories about sex, marriage, dating and love from a range of Black women at various crossroads in their lives. This is an extremely interactive show and allows the audience to react and make their assumptions public.
The begging question is how can we create spaces that don't assume and judge women based on who and how they love. How can we dismantle chauvinistic ideas that equate a woman's worth to her mate or her relationship status? From married to polyamorous from straight to gender fluid. This show checks all the boxes for anything and everything in between.
LocationAnacostia Art Center (View)
1231 Good Hope Road, SE
Washington, DC 20020
United States
Minimum Age: 18 |
Kid Friendly: No |
Dog Friendly: No |
Non-Smoking: Yes! |
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes! |